This page contains an index with links to each post of My Happiness Obsession, for easy (er, easier) viewing. (Note: CONTINUALLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
365 Day Blogging Project: 2022-2023 Edition
- Day 365: Don’t Overthink It!
- Day 364: Missing It Already
- Day 363: “Of Futile Efforts” (Original Music)
- Day 362: Things Are Looking Up in Highly-Sensitive Land
- Day 361: Today’s Appreciations
- Day 360: Focus Where It Feels Best
- Day 359: Along for the Market Ride, No Matter What (Part 2)
- Day 358: A Week Away
- Day 357: Taking Care of the Rest
- Day 356: Take Your Happiness Into Your Own Hands (1000th Post!)
- Day 355: More Under the Vibrational Hood
- Day 354: Approaching My 1000th Post
- Day 353: An Accomplishment of Self-Care
- Day 352: The Book (Update #5)
- Day 351: Some Honesty About Tonight’s Outing
- Day 350: Inspired Action Over Habit
- Day 349: A Consistent Yet Relaxed Running Life
- Day 348: Using Affirmations Effectively
- Day 347: What is the Essence?
- Day 346: Tonight’s (Money-Related) Appreciations
- Day 345: More on Mental Attitude
- Day 344: Put Your Happiness First
- Day 343: One Who Is a Visionary Thrives in All Times
- Day 342: Facing the Music
- Day 341: Today’s Appreciations
- Day 340: Solitude, My Steady State
- Day 339: Time to Make Peace with Being Highly-Sensitive
- Day 338: Being Myself, the Way that Suits Me
- Day 337: The Book (Update #4)
- Day 336: Perfection is Over-Rated
- Day 335: If It Doesn’t Fit For You, How Great Can It Be?
- Day 334: Ten Accomplishments
- Day 333: “From What Dimension” (Original Music)
- Day 332: You Can’t Get There From Here
- Day 331: Sniffing Out True “Hell Yeses”
- Day 330: The Completely Invisible Yet Omnipresent Force
- Day 329: The Keeper of My Happiness
- Day 328: Today’s Appreciations
- Day 327: 1000 Pieces. One Good Experience
- Day 326: Chronos Says, “Vive La Difference!”
- Day 325: Words for Zoning Out on Appreciation
- Day 324: Fie, Dividends. Fie!
- Day 323: Onto the “Too Hard” Pile!
- Day 322: Learning to Make Myself Right
- Day 321: Let’s Keep Playing Ball
- Day 320: Trust Your Instincts
- Day 319: Every Negative Mood is Based on a Misunderstanding
- Day 318: Appreciating the Walk Break
- Day 317: You Can’t Go Wrong Following Inspiration
- Day 316: The Magic of “Our Universe”
- Day 315: Work I Love
- Day 314: I Need Me Some Happiness!
- Day 313: You Can’t Have It Both Ways
- Day 312: Along for the Market Ride, No Matter What
- Day 311: The Book (Update #3)
- Day 310: “Witnesses of Beauty”
- Day 309: Tonight’s Appreciations
- Day 308: Satisfied and Worthy, Doing Something Right
- Day 307: The Lawless “Casino Age” of Banking
- Day 306: Aiming to Feel Good Does Good
- Day 305: Seven Days of Balanced Exercise
- Day 304: Alignment is Worth the Wait
- Day 303: Still Enjoying My Monthly Kiplinger’s Ritual
- Day 302: Taking Score Too Soon?
- Day 301: Drawn to Flexibility
- Day 300: Dress Rehearsal for My Next Backpacking Trip?
- Day 299: Happy Thoughts Produce Happy Lives
- Day 298: I Enjoy a Well-Crafted Post
- Day 297: Chernow’s “House of Morgan” and the 1929 Crash
- Day 296: The Book (Update #2)
- Day 295: Tonight’s Appreciations
- Day 294: Netflix’s “How to Get Rich” (I Dig It)
- Day 293: Shifting Your Vibration
- Day 292: “In the Rhyming Zone” (Original Rhyme)
- Day 291: Bay-to-Breakers 2023!
- Day 290: More Answers to Quality Questions
- Day 289: It’s the Experience!
- Day 288: Toast
- Day 287: Film Scoring Update (What I’m Learning)
- Day 286: What We Make Of It
- Day 285: “The Passion of Joan of Arc” (1928) – (Original Film Score)
- Day 284: Bring on the Inspiration, Baby…
- Day 283: Still On Message
- Day 282: Appreciating Financial Education
- Day 281: Long Live Appreciations
- Day 280: The Book (Update #1)
- Day 279: Thank You, Balance!
- Day 278: Doing What Fits
- Day 277: The Silver Lining of Short-Term Pain
- Day 276: I’m Lovin It
- Day 275: Attracting What I Want with the Satisfaction “Sniff Test”
- Day 274: The Playful Whimsy of My “Bazinga” T-Shirt
- Day 273: Loving the Synchronicities
- Day 272: The Dramatics of the Mind
- Day 271: I’m Digging the Mellowness
- Day 270: Thoughts on Today’s 5k
- Day 269: The Slow-and-Steady Machine Works Its Magic
- Day 268: A 5k to Balance Recovery and Fun
- Day 267: I Did That!
- Day 266: Tuesday Night Appreciations
- Day 265: My Inner Triumph of 2020
- Day 264: Let’s Do This!
- Day 263: The Triumph of My Space Unconditional
- Day 262: Answers to Quality Questions
- Day 261: Sidestepping the Worry Rabbit Hole
- Day 260: Keeping My Knee-Jerkdom In Check
- Day 259: The Numbers Junkie Reaches for Alignment
- Day 258: Composition Train Next Stop, Film Scoring!
- Day 257: Live for Joy, Run for Joy!
- Day 256: Which Came First, the Belief or the Skill?
- Day 255: Pleasing Elements of My Day
- Day 254: How I Sit Down to Write
- Day 253: The Benefits of Going General
- Day 252: Previous Blog Post Quotables
- Day 251: Empowerment is just around the corner
- Day 250: Let The Enjoyable Journey Continue
- Day 249: Live and Be Merry!
- Day 248: Tonight’s Appreciations!
- Day 247: “The Three Musketeers” (1933) (Latest Film Scoring Project)
- Day 246: No Less than a Hell Yes!
- Day 245: It All Starts with Vibration
- Day 244: I Love My Me-Space
- Day 243: New Market Highs in 2023?
- Day 242: My Path of Personal Development
- Day 241: How to Change Vibrational Momentum? (Part 2)
- Day 240: Still Infinite
- Day 239: “Holy Play of Smiles” (Original Poem)
- Day 238: How to Change Vibrational Momentum?
- Day 237: To My Creative Muses, Surprise Me!
- Day 236: Attitude Trumps All
- Day 235: Magnificent Ongoing Growth
- Day 234: Reward’s Evil Twin Brother
- Day 233: Doing It For the Right Reasons
- Day 232: The Wonderful World of Humanity
- Day 231: Fostering a Lightness of Being
- Day 230: Sharing Something Real
- Day 229: Compounding, You Either Get It Or You Don’t
- Day 228: Inner Guidance Never Gets it Wrong
- Day 227: What I Love About My Blog, an ABC Game (N-Z)
- Day 226: What I Love About My Blog, An ABC Game (A-M)
- Day 225: Generate Beyond Your Circumstances
- Day 224: What I Love About Scoring for Film
- Day 223: “Captain America” TV Clip (Original Score)
- Day 222: Tonight’s Appreciations
- Day 221: Joy and Satisfaction Come First!
- Day 220: The Good Time is What Matters
- Day 219: Takeaways from Seeing Abraham (Part 3)
- Day 218: “Serenity for Harpsichord” (Original Music)
- Day 217: The Thrill of Authenticity
- Day 216: Keep Saving!
- Day 215: A Happier Life
- Day 214: An Enjoyable Day
- Day 213: Soothing Is Solving
- Day 212: Today’s Appreciations
- Day 211: Still Worthy
- Day 210: Play “Money Defense!”
- Day 209: Practicing Ease and Effortlessness (Revisited)
- Day 208: “Blog Host with the Most” (Original Rhyme)
- Day 207: Is it the thing itself, or our thinking about the thing?
- Day 206: Back… Not Back and Forth!
- Day 205: Creating for Creation’s Sake
- Day 204: Allowing the Water to Boil
- Day 203: The Mantra of Empowered Frugality
- Day 202: “Miserere Loves Company” (Original Music)
- Day 201: Takeaways From Seeing Abraham (Part 2)
- Day 200: I Never Said I Was a Tech Wiz
- Day 199: Takeaways From Seeing Abraham (Part 1)
- Day 198: Personal Finance Books I Read Again and Again
- Day 197: Hard to Put To Words
- Day 196: Tonight’s Appreciations
- Day 195: “The Satisfaction Machine (BBC Orchestra)” (Original Music)
- Day 194: Would You Rather Be Right Or Happy?
- Day 193: Fifteen Years of Running
- Day 192: Sharing with the World
- Day 191: Extrovert or Introvert?
- Day 190: Reflections on the Madoff Tragedy
- Day 189: Tonight’s Appreciations
- Day 188: Malkiel’s Introduction to Treacherous Derivatives
- Day 187: Who Makes the Laws in Your Imagination?
- Day 186: Long Live the Movies
- Day 185: Blissing Out at the Cafe (2023 Edition)
- Day 184: Documenting Personal Growth
- Day 183: Your Receiving Matches Your Transmission
- Day 182: “Badlands” (Original Music)
- Day 181: Back to Investing Basics
- Day 180: Halfway Through Year Two
- Day 179: Re-Reading “Random Walk Down Wall Street”
- Day 178: Who is Ultimately Responsible?
- Day 177: Master of My Fate!
- Day 176: Am I Being Nicer To Myself?
- Day 175: Step-by-Step to the Promised Land
- Day 174: “If There’s Hope” (Original Music)
- Day 173: What I Want This Year
- Day 172: Because It’s Beautiful
- Day 171: Back in the Saddle…
- Day 170: How To Be An Independent Thinker
- Day 169: Dividends, You Are Pretty Cool.
- Day 168: Letting It Evolve Naturally
- Day 167: Attracting “Having” Versus “Lacking”
- Day 166: Most Satisfying Experiences of 2022
- Day 165: Thoughts On Looking Forward
- Day 164: “Ungraceful Exit” (Original Music)
- Day 163: Reflections on 2022 Market Volatility
- Day 162: Getting What You Want (Personal Case Study)
- Day 161: “Winter White” (Original Music)
- Day 160: No One Said the Best Decisions Are Easy
- Day 159: 2022 Investing Mash Up
- Day 158: Empowered Thinking In Action
- Day 157: Tonight’s Appreciations
- Day 156: I Blog, Therefore I Am
- Day 155: Welcome Relief
- Day 154: The Marathon is What You Make Of It
- Day 153: On the Other Hand…
- Day 152: Benefits of Not Running CIM This Weekend
- Day 151: “To Thine Own Self” (Original Music)
- Day 150: More Comfortable With My Humanity?
- Day 149: Chinks in the Armor
- Day 148: “You’re Going the Wrong Way!” (Original Music)
- Day 147: Redefining Victory
- Day 146: Lessons I’ve Learned During Marathon Training #3
- Day 145: Today’s “Run to Feed the Hungry” 5k
- Day 144: My 4-Million View Video
- Day 143: Thoughts that Lead Somewhere Good
- Day 142: “The Waiting Game” (Original Music)
- Day 141: “Stay Open-Hearted” (Original Music)
- Day 140: Tonight’s Appreciations
- Day 139: I Enjoy Sleep… Especially After Long Runs
- Day 138: Shifting My Focus To Transform My Experience
- Day 137: Bring on the Taper
- Day 136: Running in Crowds
- Day 135: A Three Year Journey of Slowing Down
- Day 134: “In Search of Answers” (Original Music)
- Day 133: Today’s Significant Run
- Day 132: A Perfect Match
- Day 131: Daily Digital Bread Crumbs
- Day 130: Optimism Restored
- Day 129: Thinking Things Through
- Day 128: Recap of Yesterday’s 27.5 Miles
- Day 127: “Arousing the Spirits” (Original Music)
- Day 126: Finding My 80/20 Sweet Spot
- Day 125: This Sunday I’m Running a Marathon for Training… Again
- Day 124: Stay Open-Hearted
- Day 123: Five Months of Daily Composing
- Day 121: Get Happy Now!
- Day 120: “Afterlife” (Original Music)
- Day 119: Yesterday’s 6’37” Mile
- Day 118: Things I Appreciate About My 2022
- Day 117: Sort of Funny…
- Day 116: Less About Content, More About Process
- Day 115: “Until They Come Clean” (Original Music)
- Day 114: Another Post in the Books?
- Day 113: Why Make Everything a Chore?
- Day 112: Follow the Joy!
- Day 111: Improving My Marathon/Life Balance (Update #3)
- Day 110: Leaning Towards Relief
- Day 109: “They Don’t Get to Define You” (Original Music)
- Day 108: Happiness is an Inside Job
- Day 107: How Does This Feel to You?
- Day 106: Progress Taking Care of Myself
- Day 105: A Weekend Run of Firsts
- Day 105: “Home to Roost” (Original Music)
- Day 104: Marathon Brain
- Day 103: The 2022 Market Volatility Bummer
- Day 102: I’m Running a Marathon on Saturday… For Training!
- Day 101: Why Hang Onto Beliefs That Suck?
- Day 100: The Power of Scheduling
- Day 99: “When to Become Supersonic” (Original Music)
- Day 98: Clearing Up Faulty Ideas
- Day 97: “And They Shall Be Humbled” (Original Music)
- Day 96: Who Knew Writing Could Be So Easy?
- Day 95: Why Do You Try to Be Normal?
- Day 94: Favorite Blog Topics and Posts
- Day 93: Improving My Marathon/Life Balance (Update #2)
- Day 92: “Happy Place” (Original Music)
- Day 91: Ongoing Furnace of Creativity
- Day 90: 1100 Miles and Counting
- Day 89: “No Loss of Enthusiasm” (Original Music)
- Day 88: The Top 7 Purposes of Your Money (Part 1)
- Day 87: Well-Being Returns
- Day 86: Four Hours of Running, Two Days of Eating!
- Day 85: “Playful Ruse” (Original Music)
- Day 84: A Lengthy, Easy-Going Triumph
- Day 83: The Day Before…
- Day 82: This Weekend’s 23-Mile Run
- Day 81: A True Test of Risk Tolerance
- Day 80: Appreciating Open Creative Valves
- Day 79: I just let it happen
- Day 78: My Life is Expanding and I am Loving It
- Day 77: A Process to Release Negative Thoughts
- Day 76: Personal Happiness and The 80/20 Rule
- Day 75: “Take Me To Your Leader” (Original Music)
- Day 74: The Mother of All Teachers
- Day 73: “Blessed” (Original Music)
- Day 72: Look, But Don’t Touch!
- Day 71: They Are Just Thoughts
- Day 70: Taming the Reading Hobgoblin 2.0
- Day 69: “Somewhere Other Soundscape” (Original Music)
- Day 68: Saved by the Food Use Maximizer!
- Day 67: Tony Robbins, I Appreciate You
- Day 66: “Wow, this is interesting. What will happen next?”
- Day 65: Close to Normal
- Day 64: My Evolving Relationship with 20 Milers
- Day 63: I (still) love executing well-organized plans
- Day 62: “Joy the Incessant” (Original Music)
- Day 61: Apparently Not Caring is Powerful!
- Day 60: The Numbers Don’t Lie
- Day 59: “Satisfy Yourself” (Original Poem)
- Day 58: Call Me the Tortoise. I Don’t Mind.
- Day 57: Your Personal Mount Everest
- Day 56: What Are You Giving Air Time To?
- Day 55: “The Satisfaction Machine” (Original Music)
- Day 54: Tony Robbins’ Fabulous “Money: Master the Game”
- Day 53: The Unexpected Gem that is “Top Gun: Maverick”
- Day 52: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
- Day 51: Making the Shift from Speed to Endurance
- Day 48: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
- Day 47: The Marathon, Demystified (Or “I’m Learning How to Learn”)
- Day 46: Reaching for Satisfaction (Project-ville Edition)
- Day 45: A Transcendent Production of “The Secret Garden”
- Day 44: Relentlessly Pursuing a Positive Mindset
- Day 43: Improving My Marathon/Life Balance (Update #1)
- Day 42: Appreciating My Resilient 2020 Posts
- Day 41: Reaching for Satisfaction (Music-Sharing Edition)
- Day 40: I Love Feeling Good After a Run!
- Day 39: “Sweet at Home (for strings)” [Original Music]
- Day 38: The Drama-Free Game of Growing Share Ownership (Part 2)
- Day 37: Allowing My Way to Enjoying “Masterclass”
- Day 36: My Short-But-Sweet “In the Heights” Adventure
- Day 35: Now You Know What I Care About!
- Day 34: “Ragamuffins” (Original Music)
- Day 33: Oops… I wrote it again
- Day 32: Habits of “The Richest Man in Babylon”
- Day 31: Just Keep Going…!
- Day 30: Ten Ways I am Being Kind to Myself
- Day 29: “She Will Be Loved” (Original Music)
- Day 28: Improving My Marathon/Life Balance
- Day 27: The Serenity Prayer in Action
- Day 26: The Drama-Free Game of Growing Share Ownership
- Day 25: Time Is Going to Pass Anyway…
- Day 24: “The Truth Behind the Lie” (Original Music)
- Day 23: Staying in the Sweet Spot of “Important but Not Urgent”
- Day 22: Resistance Does Not Indicate Unworthiness
- Day 21: Long Live the Weird!
- Day 20: “Guitar Smiles” (Original Music)
- Day 19: Composing vs. Blogging, or How I Was Made to Make Music!
- Day 18: Pursue Your Own Personal Version of Greatness
- Day 17: “Thought Magma” (Original Composition)
- Day 16: Countering The Negative Monkey Mind
- Day 15: Using my great focus for good
- Day 14: Walk-Running My Way to Marathon #3
- Day 13: The Music Composition Train Rolls On… (featuring “The Sleepy Blues Bullfrog”)
- Day 12: Everybody Has Strengths…Here Are Mine
- Day 11: Morgan Housel’s “The Psychology of Money”
- Day 10: We Are Good to Go!
- Day 9: Focusing on What You Want
- Day 8: The 10k that ended up OK (!)
- Day 7: Benefiting From Slightly-Ago Me
- Day 6: What Does it Mean to Get a Million Views?
- Day 5: Is Crypto the New Tulipmania?
- Day 4: “Fun-Fare!” (Original Music)
- Day 3: “When Everything Is Off” (Music Composition)
- Day 2: That Time I Got Jealous of Idris and Dwayne
- Day 1: Keep Calm and Blog On
2021 (“My Marathon Year”)
- Now What?
- Ten Things I Have Gotten Out of Having a Blog
- Me Like-y My Blog Sooo Much
- Recapping My Marathon Year
- Marathon Training Update #6: It all comes down to this…
- Marathon Training Update #5: I am doing this!
- Marathon Training Update #4: Going Slower to Go Longer
- Marathon Training Update #3: It’s Not a Sprint!
- Marathon Training Update #2
- Marathon Training Update #1
Fall 2020
- 2020 Investing Wrap Up!
- I Decided to Be Happy
- Practicing Ease and Effortlessness
- Not Nice Chris Comes Out to Play
- The Power of Intention: Arnold Forges His Destiny
- “Day Dreaming” (rhyme)
- Slow and Steady to My First Marathon
- Christmas Eve Appreciation List
- “the Inner Loon” (poem)
- Top 10 Personal Accomplishments of 2020
- Onward with the Learning
- Practicing Being Flexible
- Just Happy to Be at a Bookstore
- Create Your Own Weather (Version 2)
- Create Your Own Weather
- A Wonderful Year?
- Thank God for the Artist (original poem)
- A Tale of Two Stock Picks
- It is All Unfolding Perfectly
- Serving Its Purpose Beautifully
- The Writing Fool Keeps At It
- Clear as Daylight
- Populate Your World with What You Want
- Small Pleasures but Still Appreciated
- Making Peace With What Is (Part 2)
- Soothing the Mental Patient
- Wired to Conform?
- Christmas Tree Jr. and Stream-Of-Consciousness Miscellany
- Discerning Those Yellow Bricks
- Magnificence Writ Large Across the Sky
- The North Star of Happiness Beckons
- Our Perfect Little Thanksgiving at Home
- Rewards Card Update (Yes, I’m Giving Thanks!)
- The Magical Savings Snowball
- What Do I Think?
- Eventually Water Always Wins Out
- Carving Out My Corner of the World
- Finding My Groove in an Early-Morning Dream World
- Hey, Mr. Investing Junkie, Lay Off the Rat Poison!
- Oh, To Enjoy My Songs!
- You Cannot Criticize Yourself to Success
- The Rainy Heavens Give Birth (Rhyme-y Poem)
- Everything You Ever Want
- Tom is very sensitive… (Creative Writing)
- “Confused Mess” vs. “Having it Going On”
- Leave Everyone Else Out
- Making Peace with What Is
- The Empire Building of A Young Schwarzenegger
- Stumbling My Way To Clarity
- The Investing Research Junkie and the Unsolvable Riddle
- Progress is Inevitable
- Third Time’s a Charm
- One Must Be Prepared for Long Runs
- Your Inner World, Made Visible to Others
- Becoming Creatively Unstoppable
- Reaching for Satisfaction: Rock-Throwing Edition
- The Post-Bear Market Bounce Back
- Look at Us Now!
- New-and-Improved, Pandemic-Era Running Regime (October Update)
- My 2020 “Slow” and “Quick” Reads
- Keep It In Perspective!
- The Blog Where I Throw Rocks At Myself
- It’s Not the Subject (It’s How It Feels)
- My Daily Blog Meditation
- Take Matters Into Your Own Hands
- Look After Your Own Happiness
- “Piano Electric!” (Original Piano Improv)
- What are You Under the Influence of?
- Breaking the Habit of Being Myself
- Leave the Place Better
- “Unique Creative Bliss” (Original Poem)
- The Importance of Being Ready
- Personal Takeaways from Investing in 2020
- Appreciation (Still) Never Gets Old
- Reaching for Satisfaction: Creativity Edition
- A Fresh Start
- Will Let You Know
- The Subjective Reality Conundrum
- “The Trusty Jog” (Ode to Running)
- Just Another Mellow Pleasing Day
- Why Not Be as the Sun?
- My New-and-Improved, Pandemic-Era Running Regime
- Appreciation Never Gets Old
- How to Benefit from Everything that Happens to You
Pandemic Edition: June 2020
- Pause and Reboot
- Don’t Underestimate the Power of a Good Hobby
- Happiness is a Present-Moment Thing
- A Mind Can Change!
- Sensitive Expressive Me
- If Only We Were Robots (and Other Random Thoughts)
- Counterfactual Thinking, that Sneaky Mechanism of the Mind
- The Ghost of Elvis
- The Benefits of Real Life Interaction
- Q&A with the Chief Blogging Officer of
- The Closet Renaissance Man Calls Out that Old Nasty
- Chain-Mail Epiphany
- What Can You Control?
- How Is Beating Yourself Up Working Out?
- The Happy Mind (Poem)
- The Life-Changing Power of Decision
- Don’t Underestimate the 5% (Of Your Behavior That’s Not Automatic)
- My Music Career Takes the Non-Attachment Test
- Another Thing to Feel Good About
- It’s (Now More than Ever) Time to Develop Good Financial Habits
- The Benefits of a Good Distraction
- Investing through Volatile Times (Part 2)
- Slogging Through to My First 20-Mile Run
- The Habits that Save Me From Myself
- Musical Playtime…Online!
- Lessons on Freedom from the Extraordinary Benjamin Franklin
- What Are You Appreciating? (Encore Edition)
- The Indestructible Power of the “Slow and Steady” Approach
- The Return of the Return of the Daily Blogger
Pandemic Edition: April 2020
- My “No More Suckiness” Philosophy
- Musing on Freedom
- “If You Are Ready” (Original Poem)
- If You Tune In, the Ideas… Just Come.
- Ten Silver Linings of Pandemic Times
- Feeling the Fear and Running it Anyway
- We Shall Prevail!
- MyHappinessObsession, I Love You!
- It’s Ya Birthday…
- Templeton and the Test of One’s Investing Mettle
- For Your Consideration (Why It’s Going to Be Okay)
- When You Feel Cut Off From What You Want
- Quality Questions for Personal Happiness
- The Power of Your Thoughts
- Your Creative Path of Least Resistance
- Thank You, U.S. Government
- We Finished Our Fricking Taxes!
- Good habits rock!
- The Only Thing We Have to Fear…
- Guard Your Mind
- Becoming a Clarity Sleuth (Part 2)
- Personal Wins Still Matter!
- I Choose!
- A Letter from the Corona Virus to Humanity
- “The Four Pillars of Investing”: An Uncannily Well-Timed Read
- My Conversation with Chicken Little
- Today’s Gratifying, Satisfying, and Much -Appreciated Costco Run
- Investing through Volatile Times: “So far so good”
- What Are You Appreciating?
- An Infinite Supply of Well-Being
365 Day Blogging Project, Year Two (Unfinished)
- The Utter Perfection of This Contradiction
- The Simple Contrarian Beauty of Rebalancing
- The Fabulous Investing Decade of the 2010s (What’s Next?)
- Ducks and Cats Would Understand
- A Heartfelt Connection with My Audience
- The 2010s: (My) Decade in Review
- Don’t Stop Believin… In the Joy and Magic of Life
- A Holiday Plea For Common “Cents”
- Attack of the Sweets!
- Questions I Asked Myself for 2019
- I’m Actually Enjoying This Holiday Season
- Overcoming the Silent Killer
- Happiness Has Its Own Momentum
- Where’s My Golden Parachute?
- How Perfectly Things Evolve
- This is Why We Invest in Stocks
- The Economics of Sitting at the Cafe
- The Gospel of the Index Fund
- My New Mid-Way Plan
- I Like My New-Found Freedom
- It’s the Little Things
- Do We Really Need to Be Gotten?
- Ode of Gratitude
- The Compounding Power of One’s Efforts
- What I Would Say to My Younger Self
- I Love Executing Well-Organized Plans
- Been There, Done That
- Blissing Out At the Cafe (Revisited)
- Thou Shalt Not Be a Financial Prognosticator!
- Nothing a Little Music Couldn’t Help With
- Turning the Spout On and Off
- We’ve Got You Covered
- The Life and Times of a Half-Marathoner (in Pictures!)
- Financial Perfectionism: You’ve Been Spotted!
- The Little Things We Do Well
- Stand In Your Truth, Aka “The Health Advice that Incensed Me”
- Getting Ready to Be Ready
- What I’ve Learned as an Investor So Far
- Expirtate the Unwanted!
- Day 408: The Movie In Your Mind
- Day 407: Focusing to Shift One’s Mind State
- When You Care More About Liking Yourself
- Day [insert ever-increasing # here]: Making Chit-Chat on the Page
- Day 404: The Periodic Table of… Investments! (Part 2)
- The Periodic Table of… Investments!
- Day 402: My Quirky Jelly Bean Eating Routine
- My 4th Half Marathon: Running My Own Race
- Day 400: The Art of the Fast (It’s Not Just For Food)
- Day Three-Hundred and…. Wait, We’re Not Doing that Anymore! Or Are We?
- The Prodigal Son Returneth (Version 2.0)
- Day 397: Exercising My Right to Press Pause
- Day 396: Jovial Patriarch (Creative Writing)
- Day 395: My New Attitude
- Day 394: Always Fishin’ for Alignment (Original Rhyme)
- Day 393: Back in the Cave with the Approval-Seeking Dragon
- Day 392: Let the Universe Take Care of It
- Day 391: Give Yourself a Break
- Day 390: To Be Idealistic is to Be Divine
- Day 389: Get Receptive!
- Day 388: Free Yourself From Nasty “I’m” Statements
- Day 387: The Greatest Opportunity
- Day 386: Having Something Good to Read (Revisited)
- Day 385: What Makes You Phenomenal?
- Day 384: You’re Now In Alignment (Original Rhyme)
- Day 383: I will develop good habits and become their slave!
- Day 382: You Are Not Failing
- Day 381: This blog is sacred to me
- Day 380: The Space Between Our Ears
- Day 379: Staying Cool, Calm, and Collected About Mr. Market
- Day 378: Non-Resistant Thought (Original Rhyme)
- Day 377: Back in the Flow
- Day 376: My Continuous Positivity Feed
- Day 375: Taking on My Financial Education
- Day 374: Steering Away from A Negativity Iceberg
- Day 373: Day 700, Anybody?
- Day 372: You have nothing to do with it.
- Day 371: Introducing, Your Inner Being…
- Day 370: That Very Dark Rabbit Hole
- Day 369: Analyze Your Thoughts
- Day 368: Struggle was my middle name.
- Day 367: The Daily Money Juggling Challenge
- Day 366: On Your Marks, Get Set, Begin!
365 Day Blogging Project, Year One (8/4/18-8/3/19)
- Day 365: Grant’s Virtues
- Day 364: Don’t Take It Personally
- Day 363: REITs, aka My New Treats
- Day 362: The Cure for Marketing Blues?
- Day 361: The Plan Moving Forward…
- Day 358: Just Because They’re Habits, Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Change Them…
- Day 357: Overcoming “Money in & Money out”
- Day 356: “The Artist’s Way” and Open Creative Valves
- Day 355: Dump the “Should!”
- Day 354: Appreciate Yourself
- Day 353: Ever the Renegade (Original Rhyme)
- Day 352: No One Else Can Do It For You
- Day 351: Abundance and Winning at Toy Blast
- Day 350: Ullysses S. Grant’s Highly Sensitive Nature
- Day 349: Stay the Course!
- Day 348: Pivot Your Way to Happiness (Part 2)
- Day 347: What I got from writing “Charlie’s Dog”
- Day 346: A Big Mind is Open!
- Day 345: Thoughts on Alice Schroeder’s Buffett biography
- Day 344: You Just Can’t Trust Your Own Brain!
- Day 343: Ten Merry Men (original poem)
- Day 342: The Power of the Nap
- Day 341: Don’t Just Do Something… Sit There! (Part 3)
- Day 340: Charlie’s Dog (Conclusion)
- Day 339: Charlie’s Dog (Part 17)
- Day 338: Charlie’s Dog (Part 16)
- Day 337: Charlie’s Dog (Part 15)
- Day 336: Charlie’s Dog (Part 14)
- Day 335: Charlie’s Dog (Part 13)
- Day 334: Approaching the 1-year mark, my short story, and seeing Abraham
- Day 333: Charlie’s Dog (Part 12)
- Day 332: Charlie’s Dog (Part 11)
- Day 330: Off to see Abraham!
- Day 329: Charlie’s Dog (Part 9)
- Day 328: Charlie’s Dog (Part 8)
- Day 327: Charlie’s Dog (Part 7)
- Day 326: Charlie’s Dog (Part 6)
- Day 325: Charlie’s Dog (Part 5)
- Day 324: Charlie’s Dog (Part 4)
- Day 323: Charlie’s Dog (Part 3)
- Day 322: Charlie’s Dog (Continued)
- Day 321: Charlie’s Dog (short-story)
- Day 320: Ready to Get to the Fun Parts (Original Rhyme)
- Day 319: Don’t Just Do Something… Sit There! (Part 2)
- Day 318: Amazing Future Harvests
- Day 317: My Money Management Fetish Revisited
- Day 316: When People Don’t See You
- Day 315: Slow and steady (still) wins the race!
- Day 314: Observations on this blog
- Day 313: What’s Your Risk Tolerance? (Part 3/Survey Says…)
- Day 312: What’s Your Risk Tolerance? (Part 2/Personal Update)
- Day 311: What’s Your Risk Tolerance?
- Day 310: Hocus Pocus of Thought (original rhyme)
- Day 309: Memories of Bob’s Class
- Day 308: It Has to Pass the Satisfaction Test
- Day 307: Music Career Confessional
- Day 306: Sucked into the Internet Vortex!
- Day 305: Stop Monkey-ing It Up!
- Day 304: Don’t just do something… sit there!
- Day 303: Reality is a Construct of the Imagination
- Day 302: Recency Bias and the Silliness of Video Game Baseball Predictions
- Day 301: Warren Buffet’s “Bathtub Memory”
- Day 300: …And still going strong!
- Day 299: Notes from the Snow (Part 2)
- Day 298: Notes from the Snow (Part 1)
- Day 297: Our Cat, the Fifth Element
- Day 296: The Musician Not Writing About Music
- Day 295: Off on a back-packing trip!
- Day 294: My Life Purpose… Revised
- Day 293: Relax and Enjoy the Party!
- Day 292: A Case for Financial Responsibility
- Day 291: Living la Vida Creative!
- Day 290: Me vs. the Monkey Mind
- Day 289: Writing Down the Story of My Life
- Day 288: The world will give you back what you give
- Day 287: I will guard my happiness
- Day 286: Clear the mind of Self-Judgment
- Day 285: The Puppet Master and the Puppet
- Day 284: We’re going to see Abraham-Hicks!
- Day 283: A Good Fact-Finding Mission
- Day 282: I need time to think!
- Day 281: I love my personal eating routine
- Day 280: Capturing an Emotional Snapshot
- Day 279: “Angry Toad” (Original verse)
- Day 278: Having Something Good to Read
- Day 277: Some Personal Truths I’m a bit Scared to Share
- Day 276: One of “those days…”
- Day 275: Some of my favorite passages from “Walden”
- Day 274: Notes from the Highly-Sensitive Front
- Day 273: As You Define It
- Day 272: Worthy of All Great Things
- Day 271: I think I’ll go with what feels good.
- Day 270: The Art of Fugue
- Day 269: Breathe in that Uncertainty
- Day 268: Eyes looking forward…
- Day 267: Embracing the Wisdom of Uncertainty
- Day 266: Pivot Your Way to Happiness!
- Day 265: Thoreau, Astute Nature Writer and Lover of Ponds
- Day 264: “Desire” (original rhyme)
- Day 263: Think for Yourself!
- Day 262: Birthday Manifesting Crash Course at the DMV
- Day 261: “Liar’s Poker,” or Michael Lewis’ sojourn into Wall Street hell
- Day 260: So Many Things to Enjoy
- Day 259: How to Receive
- Day 258: Give Up Control
- Day 257: The Man Who Taught Me to Think for Myself
- Day 256: Saved by My Night of Performing
- Day 255: Giving up Attachment
- Day 254: “Tonight I’m Skipping School” (original rhyme)
- Day 253: Listen to Your Own Signals!
- Day 252: Question from a Reader…What is the Origin of Love?
- Day 251: I love the idea of creating my life
- Day 250: Aiming at some real expression
- Day 249: Pick Projects that Align With You
- Day 248: Looking under the vibrational hood…
- Day 247: I’m so glad they invented movies!
- Day 246: Distorted Thought Fuzz (original rhyme)
- Day 245: Stop Effort-ing, and Start Enjoying
- Day 244: Question from a Reader… Sacrifice One’s Life?
- Day 243: Enjoy the Ride
- Day 242: How to Attract Only Great Students
- Day 241: “The Glass Castle” Book Review, aka Parents Gone Wild
- Day 240: Snapshot of the Present Moment
- Day 239: Resistance-Free Me
- Day 238: My Money Confession
- Day 237: One of those days (original verse)
- Day 236: Let the Universe Work Its Magic
- Day 235: Taming the Reading Hobgoblin
- Day 234: Notes from an Inner-Guidance Junkie
- Day 233: How to Make a Subject Feel Good?
- Day 232: Score for changing my focus!
- Day 231: Only think about what lights you up
- Day 230: Wanted or Unwanted?
- Day 229: Satisfying the creative urge
- Day 228: Another Musical Production, Another Fine Experience
- Day 227: After the Ecstasy…
- Day 226: My Magical Running Journey Takes a “Lucky” Turn
- Day 225: A little goes a long way for me
- Day 224: Dare to Share (poem/verses)
- Day 223: Stop with all the doing already!
- Day 222: Your Worth is Immeasurable
- Day 221: Ride the Roller-coaster!
- Day 220: Have Unshakeable Belief in Yourself
- Day 219: One Week Away from Half Marathon #3
- Day 218: Don’t force your dreams
- Day 217: A Not-Insignificant Perk of Being Generous
- Day 216: Why I am Optimistic These Days
- Day 215: Maybe in the Morning (original verse)
- Day 214: How to face areas of life that you have been avoiding?
- Day 213: What did you expect?
- Day 212: Mustard seed, anyone?
- Day 211: Let Go (original rhyme/poem)
- Day 210: Preventing the Highest Betrayal
- Day 209: Is dwelling in the past serving a purpose?
- Day 208: The Curriculum for Your Personal Happiness
- Day 207: Appreciate, don’t complain
- Day 206: I finally learned how to eat
- Day 205: The Curtain (original rhyme)
- Day 204: I’d rather look for what’s right [with the world]
- Day 203: Onward into the Night!
- Day 202: Whole Hog (original rhyme)
- Day 201: Adopt a Friendly Attitude Towards What Matters
- Day 200: Description Post #2
- Day 199: Accept No Substitutes!
- Day 198: Our Challenging, Incredible Minds
- Day 197: What if you could live guilt-free?
- Day 196: The Journey to Happiness is Not a One-Time Event!
- Day 195: Musicals, Gigs, and the Joys of Learning New Music
- Day 194: Is this thought satisfying?
- Day 193: Own your awesomeness!
- Day 192: Set your own vibrational course!
- Day 191: Why Tolerate Negative Thoughts?
- Day 190: Basking in the Joy of Service
- Day 189: Grandiose Dreams and Earthly Realities
- Day 188: You Can Change How You Think!
- Day 187: What do you do to get into a positive state?
- Day 186: Another Act of Self-Expression
- Day 185: When Life Seems Hard (poem)
- Day 184: Are You Aligning With What You Say You Want (Part 2)
- Day 183: Are you aligning with what you say you want?
- Day 182: Does it Spark Joy?
- Day 181: Sometimes I take a long time to think things through
- Day 180: Nearing the Half Way Mark
- Day 179: All’s Well That Ends…
- Day 178: Are You a Highly Sensitive Person?
- Day 177: A Jog in the Fog
- Day 176: Another awesome gig
- Day 175: Just Say Yes… When You Mean It!
- Day 174: Try out things you’ve always wanted to do!
- Day 173: Ask and It Is Given
- Day 172: Life’s Unfolding Story (original rhyme)
- Day 171: Looking Back and Liking What I See
- Day 170: What would you do if you knew everyone were watching?
- Day 169: The Workhorse Has Come Out!
- Day 168: The Freedom to Express
- Day 167: Be Judicious in Your Commitments
- Day 166: A Vision Worth Trusting
- Day 165: Making Choices
- Day 164: Is it worth it?
- Day 163: Attachment = Drama
- Day 162: The light of consciousness is always possible
- Day 161: Reading Funk or Reaching for Satisfaction?
- Day 160: I’m a patient man.
- Day 159: Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
- Day 158: A Tale of Two Kitties
- Day 157: So Long, Approval-Seeking Dragon!
- Day 156: An Unexpected Sunday Night Soirée with our Neighbors
- Day 155: Blissing out at the Cafe
- Day 154: Peace Will Find It’s Way In (Rhyme)
- Day 153: A Perk of Teaching Music
- Day 152: You’re Never Going to Get it Done
- Day 151: Keeping Things in Perspective
- Day 150: Questions for 2019
- Day 149: the Holy Grail of Empowerment
- Day 148: It’ll All Work Out. Promise.
- Day 147: Your Child Self Created You as You Are Today
- Day 146: Fast Times with Intermittent Fasting
- Day 145: Defeating The Anxiety Ogre
- Day 144: How to Walk Freely in the World
- Day 143: The Power of Presence
- Day 142: Freedom from Mental Bulls##t (Did I mention I was on TV today?)
- Day 141: You’re Not Done Yet
- Day 140: It’s Buying Season!
- Day 139: Website progress… AT LONG LAST!
- Day 138: Burning the candle…
- Day 137: A reminder I needed to hear
- Day 136: A Winter Wonderland of Leaves
- Day 135: High-flying Student Redeemed
- Day 134: A Joyful Journey
- Day 133: How to Make Change In Your Life
- Day 132: Acceptance and Perfect Imperfection
- Day 131: Dare to Be Yourself
- Day 130: My 2018 Reading List
- Day 129: Money and Certainty
- Day 128: Are you present?
- Day 127: A Year of Firsts
- Day 126: Down with The Mental Torture Chamber!
- Day 125: Making Friends with Change?
- Day 124: Just Another Day (original poem)
- Day 123: How to Shift Your Focus
- Day 122: My Non-Business Business Plan
- Day 121: The Joys of Working with Great People
- Day 120: Picture Taking Fun
- Day 119: What I Am Learning These Days
- Day 118: Have Fake Book, Will Travel
- Day 117: Cereal of the Gods!
- Day 116: Does Your Money Situation Have Integrity?
- Day 115: End the Delusion of Time
- Day 114: You have the guidance you need inside of you
- Day 113: It was music all the way, baby
- Day 112: It’s All About Attitude (Part 2)
- Day 111: Magic One-One-One
- Day 110: What Are Your Standards Where Your Life Works?
- Day 109: Feel Worthy and Watch the Results Flow
- Day 108: It is Not a Crime to Express Myself 🙂
- Day 107: Never Belonged Video of me performing my new song of the same name at the piano
- Day 106: Reaching for Satisfaction (Part 7) “Wading Through Mental Sludge”
- Day 105: How I Made My Latest Music Video Explanation of how I made the “Bagels and Chocolate Milk” video
- Day 104: My Little Music Community Appreciating the community I get to enjoy at my piano studio.
- Day 103: Ten Years of Love Songs Unveiling my latest funny love-song music video “Bagels and Chocolate Milk.” A list of all the love songs I have written about or inspired by my wife (including links to videos where I have them).
- Day 102: My Life Now (In Rhyme)
- Day 101: Reaching for Satisfaction (Part 6)
- Day 100: Sugar Free Me… Well, Almost
- Day 99: Our Rewarding Rewards Card Update on our new rewards credit card.
- Day 98: It’s All About Attitude
- Day 97: The Playful Spirit is CoMIng OUt!
- Day 96: Transformation Radioactive (original poem)
- Day 95: There is a Revolution Afoot
- Day 94: The Glorious Possibilities of Personal Fearlessness Inspiration on high after seeing “Bohemian Rhapsody”
- Day 93: Look at Me… Weirdo in Action 🙂
- Day 92: Stretch Happens
- Day 91: Thoughts on Tonight’s “In the Zone” Piano Gig Reflections on the excellent piano gig I had tonight.
- Day 90: At Home with “11/22/63” Thoughts on one of my favorite Stephen King book adaptations for the screen.
- Day 89: “King Sugar Cane,” a Halloween Rhyme Halloween-themed rhyme somewhat critical of our sugar-obsessed culture.
- Day 88: Allowing the Rough Edges
- Day 87: Reaching for Satisfaction (Part 5)
- Day 86: Re-Living (and Relieving) School Woes Thoughts on challenging school experiences from my past, returning to mind because of a class I have been taking.
- Day 85: Three Raps from the Past
- Day 84: Performance, a Force to Be Reckoned With
- Day 83: Going through my process
- Day 82: Staying Grounded in the Middle of the Turmoil
- Day 81: How Dissatisfaction, Food Poisoning, and a TV Show Brought Me to Intermittent Fasting
- Day 80: Reaching for Satisfaction (Part 4)
- Day 79: Why I Love Intermittent Fasting (in Rhyme!)
- Day 78: Refutation (Original Rap)
- Day 77: Leaving Cool Behind (original rhyme)
- Day 76: A Steady Stream of New Creative Work
- Day 75: Write the Script of Your Life!
- Day 74: Transcending the Fight-or-Flight Brain
- Day 73: Personal Pot (er, Blog) of Gold – Original Rap Just for This Blog
- Day 72: My Themeless Blog Theme
- Day 71: Keeping Things Simple The principle of keeping things simple by knowing what you are most committed to
- Day 70: My Recycling-for-Change Thing My enjoyment of recycling cans and bottles for money
- Day 69: Showing Up for Work My desire to keep a professional and uplifting attitude for these blog posts
- Day 68: Money is an Energy! The nature of money as energy
- Day 67: A Question about Happiness to My Higher Self How to be loving to oneself and others
- Day 66: Riding the Momentum A post about my latest Artist Mindset Podcast episode and music video with comedian Michelle Petro
- Day 65: Reaching for Satisfaction (Part 3) The importance of doing what satisfies you
- Day 64: The Peanut Gallery of Unimaginative Spambots A somewhat humorous complaint about receiving fake comments from spambots on this blog
- Day 63: An Excellent but Harrowing Read Book review of “The Secret History,” by Donna Tartt
- Day 62: Flower Child! Revisiting a music video I created a few years ago to a rap-love song I wrote
- Day 61: Reaching for Satisfaction (Part 2) Always ask yourself, “Is this satisfying?”
- Day 60: Why Pain The purpose of pain, to show us what we need to pay attention to
- Day 59: My Unglamorous Love Affair with Index Funds A money discussion on the topic of Index Funds, which I am especially fond of
- Day 58: Living with Joy (Part 2) Distinguishing true joy and living by it
- Day 57: Living with Joy Looking for what makes you happy
- Day 56: Don’t Let the A$$holes Stop You Pep talk not to be bothered by negative people; book review of ““The Asshole Survival Guide” by Robert I. Sutton
- Day 55: Morning Glow and the Sweet Timelessness of Nature Celebrating being in nature (and running)
- Day 54: Oh No! Phone Shut Down! Or How I Became a Student of H2O Humorous look at incident where my phone mysteriously shut down, and the philosophy of being infinitely flexible like water
- Day 53: More of Ye Original “Shakespearian” Poetry More original poetry of mine done in iambic pentameter
- Day 52: Reaching for Satisfaction Happy people do what satisfies them. You can too
- Day 51: The Power of Inspired Action Our recent campaign to organize our home
- Day 50: How to Lighten Up Aligning your thoughts with love and joy
- Day 49: What is it about the Laundromat? 🙂 Appreciating my weekly trips to the laundromat
- Day 48: The Many Ways of Being Creative Discussion of the vast array of ways that creative people are creative.
- Day 47: Out and About with My Podcast! Celebrating my latest episode of the Artist Mindset Podcast, at the HFA Print Gallery
- Day 46: Welcome to Planet Earth 🙂 A Higher Self Post
- Day 45: The Importance of a Friendly Attitude Towards Life Cultivating a positive attitude about others
- Day 44: The Pitfalls of Laying it All Out There Self-reflections on doing this blog
- Day 43: My Higher Self’s Guide to Abundance Inspired thoughts on money and abundance
- Day 42: Questions from a Reader Answers from “My Higher Self” to several different questions
- Day 41: Thoughts From My Higher Self Discussion with “My Higher Self”
- Day 40: The Spirit of Generosity Living the spirit of giving and making a difference for others
- Day 39: My new (gulp) credit card Talking about my new rewards credit card
- Day 38: A Little Original Poetry… In Iambic Pentameter! Sharing some original “Shakespearian” poetry I wrote a few years ago
- Day 37: My Collaboration with Charlie Chaplin Sharing some silent movie music I wrote to a Charlie Chaplin film excerpt
- Day 36: Think about trees! The value of thinking about neutral or slightly pleasant topics… such as trees
- Day 35: Braving the Mind Field How our minds can play tricks on us, and be overly harsh to us
- Day 34: Creating a Legacy… One Thought at a Time The daily snapshots of each post in this blog
- Day 33: Just Say No The importance of choosing wisely, and knowing when to say “No”
- Day 32: The Futility of Trying to Change Others Humorous lesson in how hard it is to change others, using a story with my first cat
- Day 31: Becoming a Clarity Sleuth The importance of finding thoughts that feel right, and that make you feel clear
- Day 30: How to be a Perfect Misanthrope (ie the Rules of Social Isolationism) A humorous satire of some of my biggest past social foibles and blunders with handling friendships
- Day 29: Blog on the Go Post I wrote while in Oakland for my brother’s wedding
- Day 28: Overcoming the Dreaded “Get it Right” Machine The importance of being towards-motivated instead of away-from motivated, getting over the need to get it right
- Day 27: Thoughts on “Go-Givers Sell More” Book review of sales book oriented around giving
- Day 26: Finding Your Alignment Discussion of the Law of Attraction and finding your alignment
- Day 25: Don’t Judge Me The importance of protecting yourself against your worst critic: You
- Day 24: Who Am I Writing This For? Reflections on this blog
- Day 23: Peace Be with You Repositioning peace as acceptance, rather than some mythical stasis or permanent equilibrium
- Day 22: Tales of an Autodidact Celebrating being self-taught, someone who has the personal initiative and self-discipline to seeks out knowledge for and sometimes by themselves
- Day 21: Enya, the Most Beautiful Music I Cannot Name
- Day 20: The Modern Day Credit Trap
- Day 19: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
- Day 18: My Money Management Fetish
- Day 17: Enjoying the Flow
- Day 16: Outlasting Quitter’s Day
- Day 15: The Parable of Andy Dufresne
- Day 14: Not Looking Back
- Day 13: The Artist Mindset Podcast
- Day 12: Marching to Your Own Drummer
- Day 11: Putting the Addled Brain in its Place
- Day 10: Lesser Than No One
- Day 9: Playing the Consistency Game
- Day 8: The Beatles All Around Us
- Day 7: Anatomy of a Performance
- Day 6: The Most Impactful Self Help in My Life
- Day 5: Opening Up the Soundcloud Vault
- Day 4: Change, the Only Constant (Nemesis)
- Day 3: Sitting with the Awkwardness
- Day 2: How Much Do People Read?
- 365 Day Blogging Project: Day 1 The first day of the project!
The Artist Financial (Abandoned blog idea combining money topics with being an artist)
- Vindicating the Profit Motive
- Overcoming Financial Perfectionism
- It’s Time to Develop Good Financial Habits
- You can fail at doing something that is NOT your dream, too, ya know…
- Fly in the Face of Adversity and Build Your Nest Egg!
- The Curse of Negative Childhood Money Messages
- The Most Important Financial Decision You Will Ever Make… (Life Changing Video)
- Why Artists Need to Learn about Personal Finance
- The Spiritual Currency of Being Paid for Our Art
The Early Posts
- Yosemite: the Sequel!
- McDonald’s Behind the Arches
- Why this is incredibly stupid… (Don’t try this at home!)
- The Prodigal Son Returneth…
- Book Selling: Neal Stephenson’s “Seveneves” and Stephen King’s “On Writing”
- My Magical, Difficult Backpacking Trip in Yosemite
- Healing Begins Now (Or Childhood Tales of a Crazy Crazy Mind)
- The Two Pennies That Became Twenty One Million Dollars? (Or Why It’s Not Okay to Quit Anything That Matters To You. Ever.)
- Tonight’s Righteous Battle Between Ego and Higher Self: Mr. Trashman and CWiggz Duke it out!
- What, Like It’s Hard? Getting My Legally Blonde On…
- My First Musical Post (You Will Help Me Not to Suck as Punch!)
- Ending the Trance of Self-Negativity
- Adventures in Elisabeth Shue: Or What I Learned from My First On-Screen Crush
- Tales from the Front Room: Solipsism and Other High-Falutin Chicanery
- Thoughts on “Big Magic”: Elizabeth Gilbert schools us on the art of creative liberation
- CWiggz! does Car Karaoke! (In his mind)
- All Hail the Rockstars! (My Humble Confession)
- My Higher Self Responds to My Last Post (T.G.I.F!)
- Why I’m a Fu**in Idiot (Aka The Best New Album of 2005… er 2009… er 2014… er WTF?)
- A Knee-Jerk Rush of Jerkdom (And more thoughts from my Higher Self)
- Thoughts from my Viciously Depressed Thursday night (Come on in, the Hell-fire’s Warm!)
- My Exercise Life: King Integrity, I Salute Thee! (Warning: more Explicit language from Potty Mouth Chris!)
- Meet Mr. Trashman (Warning: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE from the world’s biggest douchebag inside my head!)
- Let’s Talk about Failure! (Yeah baby)
- Confessions of a Reluctant Self-Marketer
- Talk #2 with my “Higher Self” (There goes my pretense of normalcy)
- Chaos in “Full Disclosure”-ville
- The Blog-Writing Monster Speaks (me want Blog Cookie!)
- This blog’s first guest blogger: My Higher Self (aka Why I’m Completely Crazy)
- The Douchebaggery to Badassity Continuum (Where do you stand?)Post #4: Happy Birthday Dad!
- Post #3: How long will I keep numbering my posts? And other inconsistencies…
- Post #2: I have no idea how to do this… (And other words of marketing genius)
- My First Post: The obsession begins…