We saw Abraham three weeks ago and I wrote about it here and here.
Always more to reflect on. So here we go, part 3!
“Calibrate to your Inner Guidance System”
“Don’t calibrate to each other! You get all twisted into a pretzel!
“Most people are calibrated to other people, and what you’ve come to teach is being calibrated to Source.”
Abraham-Hicks, 2/11/23, Sacramento, CA
What this means to me:
I believe that when Abraham made these statements they were talking to a man who was attending the workshop with his girlfriend. The man was very excited about the relationship, which was three months old. In response to this, Abraham reminded him of the importance of calibrating to his Inner Being, rather than to his girlfriend. They remind us that calibrating to other people is a recipe for disappointment. When we “expect others to feather our nest,” we are “are barking up the wrong tree,” and “looking for love in all the wrong places.” These various statements all refer to hoping that other people will prop us up and make us happy, instead of getting in touch with our Inner Beings. Your Inner Being is always interested in you and adores you, no matter what, while other people—“we love you so much,” they say—are fickle and unreliable, easily distractible and don’t really understand you anyway.
“You can’t cater to the victims!”
Abraham-Hicks, 2/11/23, Sacramento, CA
What this means to me:
As I recall, this was an explanation of how we can’t cater to the approval of people who are out of alignment, or we jeopardize our own alignment. You do a great disservice to yourself if you bend yourself for the approval of people who are out of alignment. It does not go well. Better to cater to your Alignment 🙂
“Nothing ever comes that you’re not a vibrational match to.”
Abraham-Hicks, 2/11/23, Sacramento, CA
What this means to me:
This is a restatement of the Law of Attraction. We attract what we are a match to. If something comes to you, it’s because you attracted it, whether it is wanted or not!
“Deprivation is self-inflicted!”
Abraham-Hicks, 2/11/23, Sacramento, CA
What this means to me:
This is a reminder that any pain, suffering, or deprivation we are experiencing… we are doing to ourselves! It is also a call to action to stop the insanity, to stop perpetuating various forms of suffering upon ourselves. Because we are creating it all.
“Victim mix—don’t put this to a boil! Happiness mix—yes, cook this one up instead.
Abraham-Hicks, 2/11/23, Sacramento, CA
What this means to me:
I’m summarizing what I got here. It’s the idea that whatever create results from a vibration that is active in you. Just like following a recipe, the resulting dish will depend on the recipe’s ingredients. So if you ingredients are the “victim mix,” you are cooking up victimhood, unhappiness, suffering, and feelings of disempowerment. This is not the way to happiness! It stands to reason that a happiness mix is a much better idea to take on. The ingredients you cook up, create the meal you create!
In thought terms, this means that any idea or thought or intention already contains the essence of whatever it will become when carried through. So, for instance, if you start out feeling doubt about an experience that is about to happen, your doubt will affect the experience. The experience will not go well, will be bumpy, or may fail entirely. On other other hand, if you going into an experience feeling confidence and enthusiasm, that will impact the outcome, which will probably go very well for you.
Whatever ideas you start with before a situation or experience already contain the ingredients, like the recipe, for what will happen.
“When you ask for anything, it is given. But you need to figure out how to let it in.”
Abraham-Hicks, 2/11/23, Sacramento, CA
What this means to me:
To me, this is the crux of why studying the Law of Attraction is important. Yes, you can have what you want. Here’s the rub: in order to get it, you need to let it in. Easier said than done, especially if one is balled up in resistance! And the more you want something, the more likely there is resistance. The key is to soothe yourself back into alignment, generally by changing the subject and certainly by doing something that helps you feel better. As you raise your vibration, you get closer to attracting what you want.
“It’s about attraction. And you can control what you attract.”
Abraham-Hicks, 2/11/23, Sacramento, CA
What this means to me:
I love this. This is the promise land of mastering these principles. It’s like having your own personal ATM. If you control what you attract, then you can make it so you attract only what you want, right? That is, IF you can let it in. Again, that’s the rub.