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- I am appreciating being at Day 361 of my 2nd year of blogging. It feels illustrious. The numbers are counting down until I will have 0 daily posts to do (5….4…..3…..2….1….0).
- I am appreciating that I can do an Appreciations list on a day (like today) where I haven’t been inspired with a usual blog post idea.
- I am appreciating the cool-off towel I have around my neck right now, and the air from the fan coming at me (it is currently 84 degrees–which you’d think would feel cooler, because that is cool for Sacramento summer weather).
- I am appreciating my growing ability to get present, discern how my thoughts feel, and lean in the direction of better-feeling thoughts.
- I am appreciating how being at the end of blogging year two reminds me of being at the end of blogging year one. I think fondly of that time in 2019 🙂
- I am appreciating my piano improvisation class I taught today. Great musical discussion and lots of playing!
- I am appreciating having a nice talk with my sister last night.
- I am appreciating my run on Sunday: 8 miles with my buddy Erik. We took a great slow pace that was perfect for me.
- I am appreciating the ease with which things unfold when one is aligned. Case in point: this blog. Over 1000 posts and counting!
- I am appreciating that I get to take a break from blogging when I finish the second year. At the same time, I appreciate my blog as always.