There is always more life, more opportunity to reach for alignment. Every day is our chance to set our course for what feels good. It isn’t always obvious, and it may not…
Category: Creative Writing
Day 292: “In the Rhyming Zone” (Original Rhyme)
It has been awhile since I have done any sort of rhyming. I was looking at some older rhymes (such as here and here), and decided why not go for it again?…
Day 288: Toast
Being as the author does not wish to write much tonight, he shall exercise his prerogative not to do so. Instead, here is the shortest poem he (or anyone?) has ever written:…
Day 283: Still On Message
Life’s a breeze when you find your ease Riding through the trees lighter than the bees We aim to please, it’s a game that frees when we stake our claim in these…
Day 239: “Holy Play of Smiles” (Original Poem)
And now for something different! A poem I just wrote: “Holy Play of Smiles” To feel good that is the goal! that is the desire that is the inner fire whose embers…
Day 208: “Blog Host with the Most” (Original Rhyme)
Tonight I decided to write a rhyme about blogging: “Blog Host with the Most” So I went whole hog into this here blog Experimenting like a kid with Lincoln Logs Writing for…
Day 59: “Satisfy Yourself” (Original Poem)
Selfishness gets a bad rap in our society. It is often associated with greedy, injustice, or cruelty to others. Like many things, it is viewed in extreme forms. Yet to me, that…
Day 52: The Gift that Keeps on Giving
As I have mentioned a few times recently (here and here), one of the cool things about doing daily blogging again is re-reading older posts. Today I am thinking in particular about…
“Day Dreaming” (rhyme)
I love daydreaming. It’s so fun. There are lots of things I have day-dreamed about, and many of them have come true. They continue to come true. I continue to day-dream and…
“the Inner Loon” (poem)
It acts like it’s on my side Yet it judges me that I’m less It’s focused on fear and lack It must want me out of whack It has trained me well…