Today my wife and I took what was perhaps the most relaxed trip out of town in the last 2 1/2 years. It was a simple trip to my brother’s house to visit with his family of three: he, his wife, and their daughter (our niece). Our niece is a three-year-old loving spirit completely connected to Source, following her Inner Guidance and shining radiant Individuality in every moment. Naturally we loved being around her. Besides that, the weather was idyllic. Also, as this is in a town I grew up in (Concord, CA), we went to a donut place I used to go to as a kid. Lastly, my brother taught me proper breast-stroke technique in their neighborhood pool. Simple joys abounded.
This morning I went to our new gym (only my second time there) in order to do some cross-training* as prescribed in my marathon training plan. I used a rowing machine for 15 minutes and an elliptical machine for 10 minutes. Easy peasy.
Yesterday morning I went on a 7-mile run with my friend Dave. This run was a “magic mile” run, in which for one mile I ran about as fast as I can and jogged the rest. The weather was great, and besides the fact that the bending bike trail with its small rolling hills was not great for a time-trail, the run was a total success.
After this run, I met for lunch with some friends from the Sacramento Bogleheads, an investing discussion group I have been a part of for a long time. This was our first time meeting in person since April 2020. Though the turn out was a fraction of that at our monthly Zoom meetings (about 10 people, instead of 40-80), the company, conversation, and food were all very nice.
The previous evening, Friday, I helped a cast learn music for a play. This is my first musical theater gig since March 2020, and I was so ensconced in helping the students that I forgot what day it was.
Why the description of the activities of the last few days? Because I am having a damn fine time. Because after two and a half years in some state of lockdown, I am enjoying being around people again in a variety of interesting contexts. Because I am finding that I can train for a marathon and have a life.
Because my life is expanding and I am loving it.
*For marathoners, cross-training is a low-impact physical activity alternative to running used on non-running days. Walking, cycling, rowing, yoga, even strength training all count. I have two cross-training days: Sundays and Wednesdays. Up until I joined the gym, I generally walked. Now I am have many options 🙂