There is much to appreciate about our money life. Here goes:
Things I Appreciate About Our Money Life
- I appreciate that my wife and I talk about our money. I know that many couples do not, or do not well. This does not help the relationship. Incidentally, my wife and I have been watching Ramit Sethi’s “How to Get Rich” on Netflix (which I posted about previously). On the show, Ramit primarily works with couples learning, often for the first time, to talk about and manage their money together responsibly.
- I appreciate that we plan our grocery trips. Creating a shopping list seems to help me especially remain on a more even keel when shopping at the grocery store. I also think that overall, we shop well together.
- I appreciate that I regularly set aside money for giving 🙂
- I appreciate that I also set aside money for fun!
- …And for gas. This is something I only started doing this year. It makes a difference to have money actually ear marked to fill the tank.
- I appreciate that I am good at separating our money into “buckets” for different purposes (groceries, giving, fun, and gas including). Spreadsheets help!
- I appreciate that I got serious about our optimizing our finances years ago. I also appreciate that my wife got on board with my “money obsession” and has been an excellent co-pilot. It takes two to tango, as they say. The same is true for successfully managing finances in a marriage.
- I appreciate that we got through the Pandemic stronger than ever, financially and otherwise.
- I appreciate that overall, I am kinder to myself these days in the area of success and earning money. I learned the hard way that beating myself up just doesn’t work… and isn’t good for the pocketbook, either.
- I appreciate that I love what I do for professional work.
P.S. I am going on a family vacation over the weekend, so I will be taking a break from blogging for at least the next four days.