I am just about half way through my second 365 days of blogging! It’s been a fun experience so far. I am still enjoying myself and looking forward to more.
Here are some of the things I have gotten out of the latest 365 day effort:
- It’s nice to be flexible. So far I have paused my blogging two times, first, the weekend of CIM. Second, from Christmas weekend through the middle of January. I didn’t pause at all during the first 365 day blogging project. I no longer feel a need to prove that I can blog every day in a row for a year. Also, letting myself pause allows for flexibility as life happens. Also, the three-week Holiday break was a great chance to clear the blogging palette, if you will, after months of continuous blogging. Since starting up again, I feel reinvigorated within renewed enthusiasm.
- Sharing music has helped the blogging routine. Frankly, sometimes I have not felt like blogging. It’s been very helpful that I can reach for a recent composition to share instead.
- It’s interesting to have left a trail of breadcrumbs of my CIM experience. I have posts from the early days of marathon training through my decision not to run. I’m sure it will make an interesting read for me some day.
- Writing these posts keeps me in touch with why I blog. There has to be a pay off in everything we do, why do it? For me, the pay offs of blogging include: creative expression, writing practice, introspection, honing my thinking… and of course, slowly weaning myself off of caring what others think!
- Obviously I love to write about myself. I always get something out of reflecting on my life with these posts.
Finally, I wish to share some thoughts I wrote almost exactly four years ago, upon reaching Day 180 of the first 365 Day Blogging Project:
A big part of doing this project has been about getting out of my way. When I started this, I figured that this structure would get me used to writing content and then sharing it. It has. On that note, it also helps that I am always flexible about what I write, and I don’t put any expectations on myself as far as “marketing” this or whatever. In fact, there has been a blessing inside of just going under the radar and doing this for no one in particular, and for no reason in particular other than creative expression and for my own personal benefit.
Day 180: Nearing the Half Way Mark, January 30, 2019
It’s amazing how much this still holds true!