I’m feeling the slightest bit self-conscious about writing “yet another” introspective post about my thoughts. Yet I remind myself, “That’s all you ever write about!” And so, what the hey, here goes another one…
Awhile ago I wrote down some inspired thoughts about giving up negative vibrational momentum. This is something that I have been very aware of the past few days.
For instance, this morning I was jogging in Midtown Sacramento, and I noticed that my head was focusing on some negativity. I asked myself, is this thought satisfying? Surprise, surprise: It wasn’t. I realized that, yet again, I was indulging in some self-judgment. Again: surprise, surprise. The cool part is, I decided right then and there that I didn’t want anything to do with that. “I want to feel good,” I said to myself, as I jogged down the street. “I want to think thoughts that are worthy of who I am and my value. These thoughts are not it! I am giving them up! They are not me!”
This felt good 🙂 To me, that is the sign of a shift. My intention was working, it was like I was steering the ship away from yet another mental iceberg before I smashed into it.
I’m glad to say that I avoided that collision. Instead, I felt a sense of my own growing power to change my mind. More and more, I am seeing that I can consciously shift how I think, by consciously choosing that I am going to focus on something that feels better. It is working!
What was also cool was that I went through this mental shift while running. Sometimes I found it easier to do this while sitting down writing. But I guess I am practiced enough at it that in this case I was able to do it while on the move.
It is my intention to keep improving at this. I celebrate any time I can improve my own mood, especially by consciously taking charge of it.