I think you can learn a lot about success mindset from analyzing the way you think about things you are good at… even seemingly silly things. For example, I enjoy playing Toy Blast on my phone, as I wrote once before, I enjoy play Toy Blast on my phone. In fact, I’m pretty good at it… enough so that I am continuously waiting in the “Legends Arena,” which is the limbo of sorts they put you in (for up to two weeks at a time) while they add new levels once you have finished all the levels on the Toy Blast map.
I keep playing Toy Blast–despite the oddity of the Legends Arena arrangement–because it is often a nice way to relax, to focus on something innocuous and vaguely enjoyable. Yet I also think I play it because I’m successful at it, and it’s pretty easy for me to be successful at it.
Let’s take a look under the hood at my thoughts when I play Toy Blast, shall we? Typically, my thoughts while playing look something like this:
this is fairly easy. i don’t mind playing it. i don’t really care, I could be doing something else, I am playing this, and it’s pretty fun. It’s pretty easy, I keep advancing to new levels, I find it easy to win, I find it easy to win gold coins and other tools, I even find it easy to win the championship rounds if I put my mind on it. I also find it easy to achieve specific goals in order to win prizes. To me, it’s like being able to go into a casino and win money… merely because I want to. It’s easy, I don’t really sweat it, I don’t really care that much. I enjoy Toy Blast.
Ha! I can already tell this is going to be good. The mood or attitude I would describe here is: easy-going, relaxed, comfortable, light and fun, confident.
What results do an attitude like this suggest? Why, successful ones, of course! Without ever worrying about it, I play the game, advance levels, win prizes and gold coins. It’s effortless.
To be clear, I’m not using this blog post to brag about being good at Toy Blast (that would be lame… though I do feel good when my wife complements my Toy Blast abilities). I think it can be revealing to look at under the vibrational hood at one’s attitude about things.
I think a successful attitude in any area of life–no matter how small it may seem– has things in common with a successful attitude in more “important” things. What if you could transfer your successful attitude about a video game into a successful attitude about, say, living the life of your dreams? I think the qualities of my attitude about Toy Blast would come in handy there as well: finding it easy to win, easy to achieve your goals just because you want to; and being light-hearted and effortlessly confident.
The Law of Attraction, after all, responds mostly to what you really believe. If you believe something is easy, if you are light-hearted, flexible and open about it, and confident you can achieve what you want in that area, it stands to reason that things are likely to work out well for you.
Whether be it Toy Blast or something else.
So this morning’s post is in honor of the little things we do well. For even they can contain universal principles!