So in the last couple of weeks, I’ve caught hold of this idea, direct from Abraham-Hicks, which they call pivoting. As I understand it, pivoting is a thought exercise that you do when you feel off. When you feel bad in any shape or form, you can use this technique to get clear on what you want, and focus on it.
Basically, if you feel bad, it means that your feelings are telling you that your thoughts are off base. In that moment, you are focused on something you don’t want. So you can say to yourself in that moment, “Ok, I guess I have found something I don’t want. What is it I want instead?”
For instance, there is a situation in my life right now where I am noticing the need to pivot. In this area, I notice myself feeling uncomfortable, frustrated, and not free. So there is clearly something in my focus that is unwanted. So I ask myself, “What is it I want?”
The answer: I want to feel great. I want to feel alive and free and fully-expressed and right at home in everything I do! I want to love all the things I do, and all the interactions I have!
Suddenly, my focus starts to shift. Instead of it being focused on discomfort, frustration, and lack of freedom, I’m suddenly starting to perk up, as I think about being right at home and loving all that I do. In other words, the seeds of happiness are being planted in my mind! My focus has already shifted. I am in the process of creating a brand new experience for myself!
It’s amazing how easy this process is, and how quickly it creates an actual shift in my mood. It makes sense, doesn’t it? You stop thinking about something you don’t want (in this case those feelings of being uncomfortable, frustrated, and not free) and instead focus on what you do want (feeling great, being right at home, loving what I do etc).
You see, whenever you use this tool, a very real shift occurs! We have all seen the difference in being around someone who is happy one day, and glum the next. It is a world of difference! And it all has to do with a person’s focus. The ability to pivot puts the power to shift your focus squarely into your hands!
Try it out! You just may find that you can pivot your way to happiness!