I guess I’m still experimenting with the day numbering thing. Can’t quite get it off my mind apparently!
I’ve been having fun with the blog so far this month. At this point, I’m still committed through this month, and then I will see. But it’s been fun having this discipline to do everyday.
Well, er mostly. There have been times when I have been a bit resistant about it. Usually, that’s when it’s later and I’m tired… or if the topic seems a bit tricky to get into. My last few posts (Periodic Table of Investment Returns Part 1 and Part 2, eating jelly beans, and my half marathon) have all taken some extra contemplation to get just right. Yet when I have set my mind to it, I found, as I always have, that it comes around. I’m finding that is the beauty of being consistently productive: you already start out with momentum to get work done on your side.
As I mentioned a few days ago regarding the “Frankenstein” play, I believe that composing the music was significantly helped by my daily blogging habit. Show up for work! That has been my mantra since early on in the process.
I guess I’m just a continual creative-expressive type person. I just enjoy continuing to express myself, continuing to write or create or say new things. As I’ve also written, there are so many ways to be creative!
I find it especially interesting how, while I was writing the score for the play, I really didn’t want to be be blogging. It makes sense: my creative “fix” was already being satisfied. Plus, I needed the mental privacy, frankly, to focus on the music I was doing.
Now that the show is over, I find that I’m just as eager as I had been throughout my 365 Day Blogging Project.
This post, obviously, is a bit light on substance. That is fine with me once in awhile. Also, I notice that I am feeling light: relaxed, easy-going, almost like I’m simply making chit-chat on the page. One-sided, I know. Yet isn’t that what all writing (notwithstanding texting, or online chatting) is? Every poet, writer, song-writer, playwright, novelist, didn’t they all just want to get something out that was inside of them, regardless of what anyone else would think? Isn’t that what we creatives do?!
I think so.
And so another one’s in the books.