Warren Buffett talks about having a “too hard” pile. If an investment doesn’t make sense to him, if it seems too hard, he won’t act on it.
Similarly, Abraham says that if there is a subject you don’t feel good about, change the subject!
I’ve thrown a lot of stuff in the too hard pile. And I often change the subject 🙂
Overall, I’m getting better at doing the stuff that comes easily. This blog has helped because I continually lean in that direction with my posts. When I write about running, or investing, or my blog, or books, or movies, or creativity, I’m practicing the path of ease. These subjects pass my satisfaction sniff test: They are Hell Yeses. They are a total match for me. They are a no-brainer. And they make me feel alive!
On the other hand, if a subject does not pass… onto the “too hard” pile it goes!