Today we are at Day 72! That is just about exactly 20% of the way through the year, which doesn’t really make sense until you remember that the year is divided into twelves, while percents are divided into 10s. Technically, Day 72 is 19.72% of the way through the 365-day year.
Anyway, in reflecting on my little project, one thing that I’ve always liked about it is the fact that it is essentially themeless… in other words, I get to pick the topic each day. This has allowed the flexibility I felt that I needed, and prefer, in doing a project like this. I figured it was the best way to allow me to write and publish for 365 Days in a row.
At the risk of being exhaustively tedious (or just plain exhausting), I’m going to make a sort of inventory of the topics I have covered so far. Here goes:
- Day 71: Keeping Things Simple The principle of keeping things simple by knowing what you are most committed to
- Day 70: My Recycling-for-Change Thing My enjoyment of recycling cans and bottles for money
- Day 69: Showing Up for Work My desire to keep a professional and uplifting attitude for these blog posts
- Day 68: Money is an Energy! The nature of money as energy
- Day 67: A Question about Happiness to My Higher Self How to be loving to oneself and others
- Day 66: Riding the Momentum A post about my latest Artist Mindset Podcast episode and music video with comedian Michelle Petro
- Day 65: Reaching for Satisfaction (Part 3) The importance of doing what satisfies you
- Day 64: The Peanut Gallery of Unimaginative Spambots A somewhat humorous complaint about receiving fake comments from spambots on this blog
- Day 63: An Excellent but Harrowing Read Book review of “The Secret History,” by Donna Tartt
- Day 62: Flower Child! Revisiting a music video I created a few years ago to a rap-love song I wrote
- Day 61: Reaching for Satisfaction (Part 2) Always ask yourself, “Is this satisfying?”
- Day 60: Why Pain The purpose of pain, to show us what we need to pay attention to
- Day 59: My Unglamorous Love Affair with Index Funds A money discussion on the topic of Index Funds, which I am especially fond of
- Day 58: Living with Joy (Part 2) Distinguishing true joy and living by it
- Day 57: Living with Joy Looking for what makes you happy
- Day 56: Don’t Let the A$$holes Stop You Pep talk not to be bothered by negative people; book review of ““The Asshole Survival Guide” by Robert I. Sutton
- Day 55: Morning Glow and the Sweet Timelessness of Nature Celebrating being in nature (and running)
- Day 54: Oh No! Phone Shut Down! Or How I Became a Student of H2O Humorous look at incident where my phone mysteriously shut down, and the philosophy of being infinitely flexible like water
- Day 53: More of Ye Original “Shakespearian” Poetry More original poetry of mine done in iambic pentameter
- Day 52: Reaching for Satisfaction Happy people do what satisfies them. You can too
- Day 51: The Power of Inspired Action Our recent campaign to organize our home
- Day 50: How to Lighten Up Aligning your thoughts with love and joy
- Day 49: What is it about the Laundromat? 🙂 Appreciating my weekly trips to the laundromat
- Day 48: The Many Ways of Being Creative Discussion of the vast array of ways that creative people are creative.
- Day 47: Out and About with My Podcast! Celebrating my latest episode of the Artist Mindset Podcast, at the HFA Print Gallery
- Day 46: Welcome to Planet Earth 🙂 A Higher Self Post
- Day 45: The Importance of a Friendly Attitude Towards Life Cultivating a positive attitude about others
- Day 44: The Pitfalls of Laying it All Out There Self-reflections on doing this blog
- Day 43: My Higher Self’s Guide to Abundance Inspired thoughts on money and abundance
- Day 42: Questions from a Reader Answers from “My Higher Self” to several different questions
- Day 41: Thoughts From My Higher Self Discussion with “My Higher Self”
- Day 40: The Spirit of Generosity Living the spirit of giving and making a difference for others
- Day 39: My new (gulp) credit card Talking about my new rewards credit card
- Day 38: A Little Original Poetry… In Iambic Pentameter! Sharing some original “Shakespearian” poetry I wrote a few years ago
- Day 37: My Collaboration with Charlie Chaplin Sharing some silent movie music I wrote to a Charlie Chaplin film excerpt
- Day 36: Think about trees! The value of thinking about neutral or slightly pleasant topics… such as trees
- Day 35: Braving the Mind Field How our minds can play tricks on us, and be overly harsh to us
- Day 34: Creating a Legacy… One Thought at a Time The daily snapshots of each post in this blog
- Day 33: Just Say No The importance of choosing wisely, and knowing when to say “No”
- Day 32: The Futility of Trying to Change Others Humorous lesson in how hard it is to change others, using a story with my first cat
- Day 31: Becoming a Clarity Sleuth The importance of finding thoughts that feel right, and that make you feel clear
- Day 30: How to be a Perfect Misanthrope (ie the Rules of Social Isolationism) A humorous satire of some of my biggest past social foibles and blunders with handling friendships
- Day 29: Blog on the Go Post I wrote while in Oakland for my brother’s wedding
- Day 28: Overcoming the Dreaded “Get it Right” Machine The importance of being towards-motivated instead of away-from motivated, getting over the need to get it right
- Day 27: Thoughts on “Go-Givers Sell More” Book review of sales book oriented around giving
- Day 26: Finding Your Alignment Discussion of the Law of Attraction and finding your alignment
- Day 25: Don’t Judge Me The importance of protecting yourself against your worst critic: You
- Day 24: Who Am I Writing This For? Reflections on this blog
- Day 23: Peace Be with You Repositioning peace as acceptance, rather than some mythical stasis or permanent equilibrium
- Day 22: Tales of an Autodidact Celebrating being self-taught, someone who has the personal initiative and self-discipline to seeks out knowledge for and sometimes by themselves
(…Okay, not only have I found this post tedious and boring as I predicted, my right-side margin is currently only set to have 50 posts, so it was not convenient to access the first 21 posts. Nor do I think this inventory is needed enough at this time to warrant more work on this right now. And it’s late at night! Sionara for now!)