Here we are in December 2020. The final month of the Year of Years begins. We made it, folks.
I started the month by running 6 2/3 miles this morning as part of a virtual race I signed up for, the Run to Feed the Hungry. It was (and will be) my only actual race of the year! The cool part was that my speed was about the fastest I’ve ever run (7:45 min/mile), and it was the fastest ever for any run over 4 miles (I ran 7:39min/mile for four miles back in July).
An intense run in the morning and a day full of thinking. I’m beat. But happily so, because…
We got our Christmas tree! A small little thing. It’s really a Christmas Tree Jr. We figured that since it is only us seeing it, and with the dimensions of the space where it’s going, why not? This year, I guess simple is better!
Side note: On our way to the Christmas tree lot, I noticed all the remarkable blocks of Christmas decorations and lights up in the Fabulous Forties. It is lovely to see the spirit of the Holidays alive and well in Sacramento.
Lastly, it’s a new month, and I am going to continue writing my daily blog post through into the New Year.
From there, we will see…
This has been another episode of Stream-Of-Consciousness Miscellany brought to you by Chris’s brain 🙂