I’ve always been a big fan of numbers. As a kid, I enjoyed math. As an adult, I enjoy investing. I also enjoy tracking my runs. These all involve numbers.
It’s interesting how revealing numbers are. By doing just a little bit of analysis of the numbers in your own life, you can learn a lot about what you are truly aligned with. The numbers don’t lie!
Here’s a number: 704. It’s the number of blog posts published on this blog since I first started it back in April 2016. I’d say 704 is pretty indisputable proof that I enjoy blogging. This blog is something I am in alignment with!*
Here’s another number: 3. It’s the number of marathons I will have finished after December. The number of marathons I did before 2020: 0. Clearly something changed, and in 2021 I was in alignment with doing marathons (actually, it was building up all through 2020).
Another number: 92. It’s the number of continuous days I have composed music on the computer. Clearly I’m in alignment with this!
Positive numbers are one thing, but even the number 0 can indicate alignment… with NOT doing something. 0 is the number of books I have forced myself to read this year! (Note: I have read books this year, but fewer than in recent years. You could say I’ve been on another reading break.) 0 is the number of albums I have forced myself to market (1 is the number of albums I have ‘released’ this year). I don’t know the number, but <something much lower> is the number of times I have given myself a hard time this year compared to previous years.
20 is the number of miles I will be running on Saturday (note: <lots> is the amount of water with electrolytes I will be bringing!)
1 is the daily number of posts I will be doing for at least the next 305 days!
12 is the number of words before this blog post is finished!
*Incidentally, here are the number of blog posts published each year: 30 in 2016; 12 in 2017; 150 in 2018; 295 in 2019 (the current record!); 146 in 2020; 6 in 2021; and 63 so far in 2022.