I read the following brilliant quote today:
You are surrounded by many influences in your physical environment, and often, others ask or insist that you behave differently in order to positively effect their experience. You are deluged with laws, rules, and expectations that are imposed by others, and almost everyone seems to have an opinion about how you should behave. But it is not possible for you stay on track between where are and where you want to be if you are using those kinds of outside influences to guide you.
Ask and It is Given, by Jerry and Esther Hicks, p. 88
As it happens, when I read this I had been writing about a similar topic. The meaning of the words powerfully hit me. To put it into my own words, it is often basically impossible to stay true to yourself, to stay aligned with your true self, if you are letting outside forces influence you instead of listening to your own guidance. I have been reminded of this again and again, a result of bumbling through life at times getting caught trying to please others at my own expense.
As the passage suggests, most of us–maybe all of us– are told how to be, who to be, how not to be, and who not to be from the very first day we come into this world. It takes a very clear-headed and resourceful spirit with unshakeable self-love and courage not to get tangled up in the mass of outside influences that routinely dim the light of so many people’s individuality. It takes an uncanny desire to think for oneself, and it takes a willingness to go against the herd. Not common or easy!
I admit, I haven’t always excelled at this. Sure, I keep my own council in many ways. I write my blog. I read books and listen to recordings that empower me. I pride myself on thinking for myself, and I have in the past left many situations that seemed oppressive or that seemed to ask me to mute my own individuality. Yet I too have been as guilty as anyone else of dimming my own light in many cases for fear of criticism, punishment, or rejection.
And yet, I have reached a point where I am no longer willing to ignore the importance of my own guidance. I find that I am getting much clearer on this, and better able to honor myself than ever before. I am eager to clear up some of the head junk and some of the habits of old behaviors that were based on survival and fear.
I find that writing about this and other topics helps me more firmly set my positive intentions in place. And so I use this blog as a sounding board. As I continually affirm these ideas, I find that I am growing clear on the absolute importance of having this self-belief firmly in place.
I have found that, without it, it is all to easy to be led astray by the myriad of different opinions, reactions, and disagreement one encounters in life.
In other words, there is no way around it: we must gain unshakeable belief and faith in ourselves. It is the only way to be certain not to compromise our beliefs. It is the only way to ensure that we follow our inner guidance and pursue our dreams.