A long time ago I heard about the power of asking a quality question. A quality question, as I heard it defined, is a question which leads your mind in a positive, solution-oriented direction. In other words, it helps focus you on something empowering, and it therefore helps you bring you to a heightened mind state.
This morning, I made a list of a bunch of questions for me to consider in the new year. I believe these questions fit the bill of quality questions. They are:
- How can I keep a clear my mind no matter what is occurring in my life?
- How can I stay in charge of my mood and my mind state?
- How can I stay focused continually on feeling good?
- How can I forgive myself ongoingly if things get uncomfortable, or if I make mistakes or get disappointed, even with myself?
- How can I stay present and in my power no matter what is going on for other people around me?
- How can I make peace with myself, and accept who I am, what I want, who I want to be, and celebrate and allow that?
Okay, now to go over each question in greater detail:
- How can I keep a clear my mind no matter what is occurring in my life?
This question is about mental mastery. It’s about staying present, and, if I get in my head, getting back to present as soon as possible. I believe that I can use the tools of meditation, writing, and using quality questions such as these
- How can I stay in charge of my mood and my mind state?
This question is also about mental mastery. It’s about learning to direct my focus in a direction that feels good. This is also about Presence. Same answer applies as to the last one.
- How can I stay focused continually on feeling good?
I would say I probably already am this way, yet I expect to get even better at it. I am seeing myself clear my mind with greater consistency and skill. I expect that will continue. Also, I expect that I will take new actions and have new breakthroughs which will help even more with this.
- How can I forgive myself ongoingly if things get uncomfortable, or if I make mistakes or get disappointed?
This is about forgiving myself for being human… something I struggled with a lot in the past, unfortunately. So this is about letting myself take risks, get uncomfortable, even make mistakes or risk not doing things as well as I wish I did, and not let my mind beat myself up over it. This is about catching that guilt-trip in action and stopping it. It’s about changing my mental programming.
- How can I stay present and in my power no matter what is going on for other people around me?
This is about balancing my desire to feel good with the part of me that wants to please others. Sometimes in the past I was very confused over this: if other people felt bad, I thought I needed to feel bad too or something. There was a lot of confusion over what you might call emotional boundaries. I’m still working on this. I think the same tools of writing, meditation, talking and thinking things through will help with this.
- How can I make peace with myself, and accept who I am, what I want, who I want to be, and celebrate and allow that?
By continuing this blog! Haha, outside of that, just keep expressing myself creatively, and continuing to take action that makes my life fun, that helps me meet my own need for creative expression, collaboration, as well as that serves my professional advancement.