One thing I have really enjoyed about this blogging project is that I don’t feel pressure to be “brilliant” with everything I write. Or with anything I write, in fact. Sure, I aim to be cogent in my thinking. I aim to say something that makes a difference, at least to me, and hopefully to others.
So I guess what I’m saying is that I aim to communicate something that I feel matters in each post. I am continually aiming at some real EXPRESSION. Not that I’m overly concerned with “what matters.” I can’t always tell what that is while I’m doing it. But I do aim to get my thoughts clear and focused, and then come up with a topic that seems to matter to me.
And I generally feel satisfied that I wrote about something that mattered. I generally feel like I “showed up to work” that day. Some of the posts have been out-right delightful to write. Sometimes I feel a bit more like I’m just getting it done. Yet even then, I still generally aim to show up authentically.
A lot of communication we do in life–I’m sure myself included—can be rather wrote or automatic, not necessarily thought out or “of the moment.” I hope that my posts generally are of the moment. I’m sure some more than others, but it’s generally my intention to capture what is going on for me in that day that is genuine or unique. A slice of life, a snapshot.
It has surely been a fun and worthwhile experiment. Knowing that I have to do this every day sort of keeps me on my toes mentally, I know I have a job to do, and I better come in aware to do it!