Abraham talks a lot about “getting ready to be ready.” My understanding is that this is the idea of preparing ourselves for attracting wanted things… that we may just not yet be ready for right this instant (!). In other words, it’s way of saying, “Yes, I want this thing/experience/manifestation. I realize I might not be ready right this instant to attract it, yet I know that I will be soon. I am preparing myself for this thing/experience/manifestation. I am getting myself aligned with it. I will be soon.”
It is a wonderful way to allow space for where you are at in this present moment, yet still to reach for something you desire. It takes the pressure off!
For me, anything I can do to relieve the mental pressure is a good thing. It is wonderful to be able to reach out for things mentally without suddenly being weighed down with expectations, which very easily lead to judgment.
This is something that probably used to happen on the regular in my brain:
- [Inner Chris dialogue] “I want this thing that seems really hard and scary. I’m probably not ready for it now, but I want it. It is important to me.”
- [experience: fear, stress, anxiety]
- “Darnit, why don’t I have this thing I want yet? What is wrong with me? I suck!”
- [experience: more fear and stress. Dissatisfaction]
- “Man, this sucks! Why is this so hard? I must not be good at manifesting! Why bother trying?”
- [experience: resignation and doubt added onto fear and stress]
Wow, what a sucky cycle! I’m glad I’m clearer now about the principles of thought alignment 🙂
Today I am appreciating this valuable tool which allows me to think about a subject without activating those unpleasant nasties. Because good things are on their way… and I’m getting ready to be ready!