It’s something I think a lot about these days. The topic of Alignment. yes, I mean with a capital “A.” It’s that important. What it means to me is the ability to have our own thoughts, beliefs, expectations, intentions, self-talk, feelings, and actions–in other words, the entirety of the energy we put out–match up with the things we say that we want.
I have been thinking about this topic for a long time, yet it still surprises me how much I seem to still need to learn. There are areas of my life that I am just now realizing how much I contradicted myself, sometimes for years, or even decades. In these areas, my actions and thoughts went against what I said I wanted.
Recently, the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place as I grasp how the process works. Let’s take several common examples. For instance, have you ever known anyone who gets really upset when they hear love songs? They hear the song and it reminds them of the love they lost, that relationship that didn’t work out, or the thoughts in their head that they won’t find love. What is going on for them vibrationally when this happens?
Bear with me here. This is good stuff, yet it isn’t commonly recognized knowledge. In the case of the love song, is this person focused on what they do want or one what they don’t want? As Abraham-Hicks talks about, every subject is really two subjects: wanted and unwanted. So when a love song brings up the topic of love, some people will feel good, while others will feel horrid. Why is this? Is it because the song is trying to cause pain for some people, while making other people happy? Of course not! Rather, it’s about the vibration of the person hearing the song.
Where are they at currently on the topic of love? The person who feels bad when they hear it has an active vibration of what they don’t want. The topic of love songs brings up thoughts of the lack of love. They feel the feelings of not having that which they desire. How do you think this makes them feel? Crappy, to say the least!
But what about the person who is in love? How do they feel when they hear the love song? The song reminds them of their love, they experience the feeling of togetherness, of appreciation, closeness, and love. They feel grand. They are uplifted. In other words, the topic gives them a sense of having that which they desire. Joyous!
Yes, these people can be really annoying, can’t they? I’m being slightly facetious, yet why is it that for some people, those lovebirds can sometimes be upsetting? The cold hard truth is, people who are in love are only annoying to other people when those other people are focused on the lack of love.
It’s like seeing a famous celebrity and feeling jealous, or a seeing a rich person and being resentful. If you really take a look at what is going on here, it all comes down to alignment with what you want, or lack of it. If you see someone who is successful and become jealous, it is because in that moment, you are focused on the lack of success. You are putting out a vibration that literally cuts you off from what you want.
I know about this particular vice, because I did it for years. In fact, when I met my wife, I would often voice my jealousy at seeing other musicians and singers on TV. I was amazed and surprised at the utter lack of jealousy that she displayed, for them or for anybody really. It got me thinking about the topic, and over the years I have changed my attitude. Nowadays I mostly feel appreciation and admiration to such people.
Incidentally, I have since gotten on TV multiple times myself. I wonder if there’s a connection between shifting my own attitude and attracting that result. Ya think?
I first got introduced to these ideas many years ago when I read “Conversations with God.” One of the ideas from CWG is that you can’t have what you “want,” because by very definition, “wanting” something means lacking it:
You will not have that for which you ask, nor can you have anything you want. This is because your very request is a statement of lack, and your saying you want a thing only works to produce that precise experience–wanting–in your reality.
The correct prayer is therefore never a prayer of supplication, but a prayer of gratitude.
Conversations with God, 11
I admit I have sometimes struggled a bit over this, as it seems to me that the word “want” can often be used to mean “desire,” as in “I desire something,” not “lack.” That desire can be a powerful thing. Yet I still see the point, which is that sometimes we may desire something, but what we are actually putting out is an expression of lack, of lack of faith that we can have it. And when we do that, we can expect to get back more of that lack! Yes, it sucks, doesn’t it?
Personally, I am learning to navigate this area by putting my thoughts through the satisfaction test. I will ask myself, “Is this thought satisfying?” I can then usually feel instantly if the answer is Yes or No. So far, even this is revelatory, as for many years I dwelt on unsatisfying thoughts, yet didn’t realize that I had a choice to change my thinking.
We really do have choice in what we focus on. The person who hears the love songs and feels bad could say to themselves, “Oh wow, I recognize that this song is bringing up feelings of pain. It is reminding me of things I desire but feel that I lack. At the very least, this helps me identify what I care about. It also shows me an area that I can clean up my thoughts. Maybe there are thoughts that would feel better. I would like to give those a try instead of dwelling on these horrible-feeling thoughts!”
This is not an insignificant step. In merely recognizing when are thoughts are not focused on having what we desire, that is the beginning of awareness. Awareness leads to power, because then we are free to make a new choice.