As a self-examining adult committed to a better life, I have always been excited by the idea that we are Creators of our own lives. At the same time, I admit I have sometimes found myself thinking as if life was “happening” to me, as if I wasn’t in charge of it. I can’t explain this, except to say that quite often I found myself thinking and acting as if I didn’t get to say how my life went.
The story went something like this:
Life sucks. There’s nothing you can do. You can’t have what you want. I’m sorry. It’s just how it is.
Yeah, I know. That point of view sucks. And it’s sort of baffling that I would ever believe it.
I am learning that thoughts can be tricky. They can just sort of creep up on you, and then–voila!–you find yourself thirty years later asking yourself, “Why in the hell was I believing that bullshit?”
Or is that just me?
The answer to this appears to be that we believe things starting usually in our childhood, when we just don’t know any better. So we can get “stuck” thinking certain disempowering ways. We aren’t actually stuck, yet those habitual thinking patterns become automatic. They become so easy to do. They start to feel natural… even if they are painful. It takes work to change thoughts. It takes faith to reach for something that feels better, especially if you haven’t experienced something better, or at least have forgotten the time when you did. It also takes persistence: those pesky negative thought patterns often refuse to go away. They are practically embedded into our cells!
A man by the name of Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about how our bodies literally become our mind, that our body responds to the thoughts we think and then basically embeds those thoughts into our our body. In fact, we are chemically wired such that, by the time we are thirty-five, 95% of our behavior is automatic (!).
As I recall, Dispenza explains that it takes a tremendous act of will to change the brain, to re-wire the nervous system. You literally have to have a focus and an emotional response that is bigger and stronger than the automatic pre-programmed ones.
Going back to my initial statement, I love the idea that it is possible to develop a completely positive mindset, no matter what you previous thoughts or beliefs. I love the idea of getting to write my own story, tell my own new story unrestrained by the past.
I love the idea of creating my life.
What do ya say? Are you game? If you are, then let’s create our lives in the image of what we desire them to be.
After all, we created them to be the way they have been. Why not create them anew?