I was just looking at some older blog posts and I found this one about a pleasing day I had in 2020. In addition to the positive tone, what I especially like about the post is that I identified the pleasing elements–which I called “joy triggers– of each thing I did that day.
Let’s do that again!
Here are pleasing elements about today:
Pleasing Elements of My Day:
- Enjoyable experiences working with my students. Good discussions and sharing about music and creativity. Camaraderie, a sense of contribution to others, and sharing about something I love and am good at.
- Enjoying the novel I’m reading. Nice escape, interesting plot to get into.
- Having a great lunch (which I made): rice, chicken, and sautéed veggies (onion, zucchini, and carrots). Satisfying food
- Taking an easy-going run this morning. I was flexible with myself, and ran in a way that felt good.
- Working on my latest film scoring project! Fun creativity, easy to get absorbed in it, making creative choices is a satisfying mental puzzle to solve.