Hi there!
Fun and light post today. I literally just thought up writing this post RIGHT NOW. Well, about 2 minutes ago. And here I am, that is fast MANIFESTING!
It is 9:08pm on Sunday night, I just sat down at the computer for the first time today (was out all day), anyway, I was skimming the wall on Facebook, when I saw a post my wife shared showing Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman doing “car karaoke” of one of his songs (maybe you’ve seen it? Apparently it just happened and is a viral sensation, duh– it’s Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman). Anyway, it was an extremely sweet and spontaneous moment (I didn’t know they were married).
As I was watching it, I thought to myself, “Wow, this is so nice! That is so fun that they are doing that!” I have seen “car karaoke” before with the Late show guy and various pop stars, but I hadn’t seen this style of a music artist doing his own car karaoke… let alone with his beautiful, famous in-love-with-him wife. I thought it was extremely fun and cool, and I thought, “Wow, that’s the kind of thing I love to do/would love to do!”
And so there was this openness, this desire to do such things myself… i mean, not literally to have to do car karaoke with my wife to my songs (although I could)… but maybe, you never know. It was more about the idea, the invitation to be A PART OF THINGS. To participate in the world, in this moment. That appealed to me. But since I didn’t really understand what that feeling meant, I figured I would explore it more on this blog.
Probably I’m extending the same line of thought from yesterday’s blog, about wanting to be a part of the action… to release my inner rockstar in life. Thinking more about it, it’s really that I want to be A PART OF THINGS.
Perhaps this is a turning point in my life when I realize the old way of protecting myself, where I withdrew from the world and stayed in my own space, which I felt I could “control,” realizing that way just doesn’t work any more. I can recall those memories right now, but I am willingly letting go of the grip they had on me. I am open to the world. This is my means of letting go.
Maybe there’s a car karaoke with my wife in the future??
Don’t know, we will see. Anyway, I think this is enough for now. I’m going to let this blog post be short, even though a part of me thinks it’s pretty hanky of me to do that (I have professional standards, yo! At least 800 words! Though I’m not sure why).