Tonight’s post is going to be all about me. Of course, I guess all the posts are all about me. I’m not sure if this is really a good thing… but then…
Category: Shenanigans & Ruminations
Tales from the Front Room: Solipsism and Other High-Falutin Chicanery
Hi there! Right now it is almost 2pm on Monday, Memorial Day. My computer is set up in the front room where I teach (this is my first time writing a blog…
CWiggz! does Car Karaoke! (In his mind)
Hi there! Fun and light post today. I literally just thought up writing this post RIGHT NOW. Well, about 2 minutes ago. And here I am, that is fast MANIFESTING! It is…
All Hail the Rockstars! (My Humble Confession)
I have a confession to make. Every time I hear about another successful artist (music artist, actor, composer, or sometimes even writer)… I usually get jealous. But beyond that, if I’m…
My Higher Self Responds to My Last Post (T.G.I.F!)
Okay here we are. I have been thinking about writing this post for several days, and I guess this is the first moment where I can’t put it off any longer 🙂…
Why I’m a Fu**in Idiot (Aka The Best New Album of 2005… er 2009… er 2014… er WTF?)
Here is a special edition of My Happiness Obsession, where I take myself a task for the most horrible of sins, the worst of offenses. Enjoy 😉 So here I am at…
A Knee-Jerk Rush of Jerkdom (And more thoughts from my Higher Self)
Hello there and welcome to tonight’s episode of thoughts flowing from Chris’s mind onto the computer screen via Chris’s fingers… the same fingers that flit across the piano keyboard in my musical…
Thoughts from my Viciously Depressed Thursday night (Come on in, the Hell-fire’s Warm!)
It is 8:15pm on a Thursday night. I have just gotten done with the work day. Very. Low. Energy. And heavy. Basically, I just want to fizzle out for the night….
Meet Mr. Trashman (Warning: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE from the world’s biggest douchebag inside my head!)
First of all, let me say that at first I didn’t want to write this post. In fact, a part of me still doesn’t. But the rest of me thinks it might…
Let’s Talk about Failure! (Yeah baby)
Hi there. … And with these two words begins another auspicious journey, a journey through the mind of that one-of-a-kind friend of the Earth, visitor to the stars, and swimmer with the…