Tonight I was sitting out in the front porch with my wife, and I was telling her about the recent obsessing I had been doing over my investments (I know, doesn’t that…
Category: Shenanigans & Ruminations
The Little Things We Do Well
I think you can learn a lot about success mindset from analyzing the way you think about things you are good at… even seemingly silly things. For example, I enjoy playing Toy…
Day Three-Hundred and…. Wait, We’re Not Doing that Anymore! Or Are We?
Hello! Today is Saturday. I have the final two performances of “Frankenstein” to do today at Franklin High in Elk Grove. It has been an exciting run. Last night my dad, step-mom,…
Day 370: That Very Dark Rabbit Hole
So this morning my brain was trying to effect a coup d’etat in my head, the objective being to mercilessly judge and berate myself for my short-comings and failures (real or imagined)….
Day 351: Abundance and Winning at Toy Blast
Abundance and success is a positive-feedback loop that tends to add to itself and repeat continually. The more you have, the more you will be given, to re-phrase the Bible. I love…
Day 344: You Just Can’t Trust Your Own Brain!
The last few days have been very busy. Let me count the ways: I taught a Music Appreciation class for ballet students (a first for me) I played a piano show for…
Day 285: The Puppet Master and the Puppet
Many is the time when my mind has tried to trick me out of my sense of poise and self-mastery. I know I have choice, whether to indulge in it or to…
Day 276: One of “those days…”
Long day. I type ably enough, but my mind is screaming me, “Let’s get this over with! I want to be done.” Yes, I’m eager to comply. Today was one of those…
Day 240: Snapshot of the Present Moment
Tick-tick-tick: the clock in the front room where I type. Click-click-click-click-click: the keyboard in machine-gun fashion as words appear on the page. Whoooooo: a car as it passes out on the street….
Day 145: Defeating The Anxiety Ogre
Okay, so if you have read my blog for awhile, you probably are aware that much of what I write falls into the category known as Introspection. Last time I checked, each…