Tonight’s post is dedicated to one of my favorite places to go when I want to get into a positive head space: the neighborhood cafe. The particular place I like to go…
Category: Higher Self
Day 148: It’ll All Work Out. Promise.
So how do you focus on what you want when there are active thoughts and vibrations that don’t feel good? How do you “look past” those thoughts and feelings to something that…
Day 147: Your Child Self Created You as You Are Today
Tonight’s post is about you. It is about your life. What is your life about? Why are you here? What is it you are up to in this life? Do you feel…
Day 137: A reminder I needed to hear
Sometimes I just need to turn off my brain and let a higher force, a more inspired and open force, take over. Tonight is one of those times. Here goes: Thank you,…
Day 133: How to Make Change In Your Life
Okay, so you all want happiness, right? Who doesn’t? We all want happiness. That is the drink of choice of everyone, right? You would think it would be that simple. And yet……
Day 131: Dare to Be Yourself
Hello. So tonight I am going to open up to more “insight.” I have called this “My Higher Self,” and maybe that’s what it is. Or maybe it’s the natural result of…
Day 123: How to Shift Your Focus
So I have noticed that sometimes old thought habits can creep up over me, and unpleasant thoughts of fear or worry can suddenly seem to take charge. I am interested in getting…
Day 114: You have the guidance you need inside of you
Today I feel like just “turning my brain off” and letting forth these thoughts, hopefully inspiring, no doubt helpful in some way. I have no idea what will come forth, let’s find…
Day 109: Feel Worthy and Watch the Results Flow
I was just listening to a Youtube video with speaker and writer Joe Dispenza, someone I have been listening to a lot recently. I was in the first couple of minutes when…
Day 106: Reaching for Satisfaction (Part 7) “Wading Through Mental Sludge”
Sometimes reaching for satisfaction… is hard to do. I find that sometimes my mind just so much wants to indulge in negative thinking, focusing on things I do not want. This happened…