You can hardly blink these days without someone offering you a car, a mattress, or a guitar or keyboard (if you’re a musician like me) for a sweet deal… on credit: “No…
Day 19: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Let’s consider the following situation: You have a 1000 page novel you’ve always wanted to read (War and Peace, anyone?). And for whatever reason, it is VERY important to you to read…
Day 18: My Money Management Fetish
I have always been numbers oriented: as a child, when I was introduced to baseball, I immediately got hooked on following all the statistics. I pored over the numbers with utter fascination. …
Day 17: Enjoying the Flow
I had a great weekend. Here’s what I did (in chronological order): We hosted our own backyard movie night, with numerous friends, neighbors, and students in attendance. I played piano for a…
Day 16: Outlasting Quitter’s Day
Day 16, Ah Day 16. Here we are. That’s slightly beyond 2 weeks. According to this article from the UK, that’s longer than most people’s adherence to their New Year’s Resolutions. The…
Day 15: The Parable of Andy Dufresne
“The Shawshank Redemption” is one of my favorite movies. Incidentally, it is based on a novella by Stephen King, an author I have read widely since I was a teen. The movie…
Day 14: Not looking back
One thing I like about this daily blogging thing is that I don’t have to obsess over the results of each post. In fact, I don’t have to concern myself at all…
Day 13: The Artist Mindset Podcast
Last month I decided I was going to start a podcast. Never having done it before, I knew that the best approach was to KEEP. IT. SIMPLE. So to that end, I…
Day 12: Marching to your own drummer
A psychic once told me that I did better doing my own thing than following others. This was a few years ago. My wife and I were walking down the street here…
Day 11: Putting the addled brain in its place…
Today I want to write about how much shit me we give ourselves. Have you ever found yourself wondering things like the following: “Why am I not further along?” “Why do I…