In life, all too often, you hear about things like building friendships, having a happy social life, and doing fun things with others. If you are reading this blog post, you probably…
Day 29: Blog on the Go
Today is the first day during this project that I am blogging somewhere other than home. In fact, I am in Oakland, California, staying with my wife at a friend’s AirBnB near…
Day 28: Overcoming the Dreaded “Get it Right” Machine
As long as I can remember, I have been prone to struggle with the idea of “getting it right.” One night as far back as 3rd or 4th grade, I stayed up…
Day 27: Thoughts on “Go-Givers Sell More”
In case you didn’t know, the sales book industry is alive and well, with a robust tradition that goes back to 20th Century Classics such as “Think and Grow Rich” (Napoleon Hill),…
Day 26: Finding Your Alignment
I am a big fan of Abraham-Hicks, which, if you don’t know, is a popular spiritual teacher and expert on the Law of Attraction. I was introduced to the Law of Attraction…
Day 25: Don’t Judge Me
Have you ever had a friend accomplish something that was hard, maybe even noble or courageous, and they do it with admirable skill? Let’s say they have just given a public presentation,…
Day 24: Who Am I Writing This For?
Well, I have gotten through over 3 weeks of this blog. I think perhaps my focus is starting to shift from merely getting this done, to using this as an effective platform…
Day 23: Peace Be with You
There’s a lot of talk about peace in our culture. You know, “Peace be with you” and “Let there be peace on earth” and “I just want some peace and quiet” and…
Day 22: Tales of an Autodidact
My life has been like one big process of self-education. Even when I was learning from other teachers or coaches, in a way, it was usually to serve my own personal desires…
Day 21: Enya, the most beautiful music I cannot name
I am sitting here right now listening to “Shepherd Moons,” one of Enya’s albums from the early 1990s, and one that helped establish her as the Celestial Goddess of New Age music. …