Hello and welcome to today’s blog post. It is so nice to be writing to you. It is a great to be using this channel to communicate these words. I hope they…
Category: Personal Growth
Day 56: Don’t Let the A$$holes Stop You
A couple of months ago I read a book called “The Asshole Survival Guide” by Robert I. Sutton. This book brings up a topic that everyone deals with but not a lot…
Day 54: Oh No! Phone Shut Down! Or How I Became a Student of H2O
Recently I have been practicing letting go of needing to control things. Somehow, I’ve come to terms with the surprising (haha) fact that I cannot control much in life, at least in…
Day 51: The Power of Inspired Action
A few months ago, my wife and I embarked upon a mission to organize our home. In fact, we hired professional organizer and friend of ours Grace Bermudes, to help us. The…
Day 45: The Importance of a Friendly Attitude Towards Life
Today I’m going to take a bit of a break from the “Higher Self” posts to discuss a topic which is no doubt helped along by my Higher Self, lol. That is…
Day 40: The Spirit of Generosity
I just watched the movie “The Same Kind of Different as Me.” Have you seen it? Great movie. It is the tale of a woman whose generosity of spirit touches the lives…
Day 35: Braving the Mind Field
I don’t know about you, but for me, my mind sometimes plays tricks on me. It can suddenly start clouding my head, and for awhile it feels like storm cloud has just…
Day 33: Just Say No
(Disclaimer: This post is NOT about drugs or the 1980s anti-drug campaign spear-headed by Nancy Reagan, although I probably am the poster child for that program, as it worked on me… but…
Day 32: What I Learned from My Cat Merlin, aka The Futility of Trying to Change Others
As a child, I had a cat named Merlin. She was my first love. Merlin was getting old. I don’t remember exactly how it started, maybe I heard my mom talk…
Day 28: Overcoming the Dreaded “Get it Right” Machine
As long as I can remember, I have been prone to struggle with the idea of “getting it right.” One night as far back as 3rd or 4th grade, I stayed up…