Here we are at Day 114 of my 365 Day Blogging Project, Year 2. To be honest, writing posts recently hasn’t as much fun as I’d like 🙁 There have been days where I have been distracted or uninspired to write. Sometimes I find myself just getting it done, whether or not the joy is there. In a way, this blogging year #2 is proving to be as much an endurance challenge as marathon training.
Obviously, this is not ideal. Despite my complaints, I do feel that overall I am benefiting from doing this blog. For one thing, I have been enjoying sharing my compositions. I also am benefitting from sharing my inner monologue / “higher self” conversations (embarrassment be damned!). Lastly, some of the new posts have been especially satisfying to write, such as this running-themed post from last weekend, and this money-themed post from a few weeks ago.
Overall, I feel that it is still a positive for me to have this outlet that I am regularly “showing up to work” for.
However, with CIM coming soon, I want to be flexible with myself.
And of course, I’m always reaching for satisfaction. If it ain’t a hell yes, then maybe not.
For now, another post in the books.