There’s something about the “showing up to work each day” approach to blogging that has been incredibly good for me. It’s totally simple, and totally idiot-proof (for an idiot like me!) because it’s completely non-negotiable. Each day I sit down and write, and each day I know I have a time limit–until 11:59pm, after which I turn into a pumpkin ;)–to put my post up.
This no-brainer approach has worked because it helps me get the darn posts done. Admittedly, however… er… there have been times when I just haven’t been enthused about writing. Of course, I always go ahead and post anyway… but recently I have been noticing that this just isn’t that satisfying.
As I wrote a few days ago, I no longer need to prove to myself that I can do a daily blog. Been there, done that. However, I question whether it will work if I change the rules or try a new blogging arrangement, such as letting myself not post if I’m not inspired, or doing fewer days a week of blogging.
The fact is, looking over my posts from this month, about half of them were enjoyable to write. For the other half, there was a degree of “get ‘er done” about it, in which I was to some degree tired or uninspired. That might have been sufficient when I was going for the 365 Days of continuous blogging. But now? It’s sort of unsatisfying. Sure, I am willing to keep doing it every day if that is what it takes to get to the good stuff. Recent posts like Blissing Out At the Cafe (Revisited), The Life and Times of a Half-Marathoner (in Pictures!), and What I’ve Learned as an Investor So Far really make this entire endeavor worthwhile.
On the other hand, maybe a bit more leniency will do me some good.
I’ll keep thinking about it this week, and decide what I want to do for December.