Several months back I wandered by the neighborhood used book store. Curious to look at the paperbacks they had on sale out on the street, for 50 centers or a dollar, I…
Vindicating the Profit Motive
What’s the most infamous word in the English language?? I’m not talking about an expletive. We all know this word, and it does not objectively represent a bad thing. In fact, it…
Overcoming Financial Perfectionism
I have never heard this topic discussed, yet I am sure that it comes up quite a lot. I want to talk about perfectionism. Specifically, Financial Perfectionism. Personally, I have struggled with…
Yosemite: the Sequel!
Thirty years ago, I went backpacking in Yosemite. I was seven years old. Each year at my school in Pleasant Hill, California, we went on a week-long camping trip. That year we…
It’s Time to Develop Good Financial Habits
Today I’d like to talk about a very important concept that if fully leveraged can change your life and help you get anything you want 😁 : Let’s talk about habits. More…
You can fail at doing something that is NOT your dream, too, ya know…
I thought I had it all figured out. I was going to develop my “day job” (in full disclosure: my piano teaching studio) to create a nice base that would help me…
Fly in the Face of Adversity and Build Your Nest Egg!
Whether we like it or not, adversity is a part of our lives. In everything we do and everything we experience, there will be certain things that don’t go our way, don’t…
The Curse of Negative Childhood Money Messages
Quick disclaimer: I do not blame my parents, teachers, neighbors, friends, or ANYONE else for the attitudes, stories, and habits I picked up as a child (Yes, even the negative ones!). The…
The Most Important Financial Decision You Will Ever Make… (Life Changing Video)
(Note: the most important financial decision you will ever make is probably the fact that you became an artist in the first place. Beyond that, this one is probably runner up…) I…
Why Artists Need to Learn about Personal Finance
All artists (all people in fact) should learn about personal finance. Money is one of the central issues of our lives, and yet many people (including my former self) brush it off…