I love making appreciation lists 🙂 I do it all the time when I write at the cafe, and I have recently blogged them here and here. Today I would like to list some of the most satisfying experiences of my 2022 and why they were especially satisfying.
Here goes:
My Most Satisfying Experiences of 2022
- Unleash the Power Within Virtual (March). Why this was satisfying: My wife and I both “attended” this 4-day event back in March. I said “attended” because it was entirely online. I had no experience with multi-day online events, but I must say, this made event made me a believer. Not only was it hugely inspirational, as only a Tony Robbins event can be, it was hugely… physical! As in, we were dancing around all day and all night in front of our computers, which might sound really strange, but it was actually totally cool! Meanwhile, it delivered the same inspirational content one would get at a live transformational workshop. Overall, this was a hugely satisfying experience, and shows what is possible with today’s technology.
- My Daily Composing (June through present). Why this was so satisfying: It is immensely fulfilling to be composing like I am these days. I am also so appreciative to be using my computer to its potential to orchestrate and work with different instruments. Composing has been like a mellow, easy-going high that has carried me joyfully through the year. And on into next year…
- Charlie Chaplin Video Going Viral (May). Why this was satisfying: It was incredibly fun and exciting to find out my Charlie Chaplin video went viral. I had a lot of fun for quite awhile watching in amazement as my Youtube channel grew to many thousand subscribers. I also enjoyed putting up some other videos that benefitted from the viral video’s popularity.
- Marathon Training with Galloway Method. Why this was so satisfying: Ok, so I didn’t run the marathon. Nonetheless, I had a lot of great experiences along the way, including meeting my buddy Erik on the trail. I also especially enjoyed blogging about my process and my long runs. There were lessons learned, not all of them easy, but at the end of the day, I love having something positive to obsess over, and throughout the year, running was it!
- Being Kind to Myself. Why this was so satisfying: I’ve had to be kind to myself a lot this year. I came into the year loading myself with numerous expectations. By and large, I had to give them up, and accept myself where I am anyway. I will forever think of 2022 as the year where I finally learned to love myself unconditionally 🙂
- Deciding not to run CIM. Why was this so satisfying: While it was not easy to come to grips with the reality, I am very glad I didn’t run the marathon. For one thing, it has made my December mostly quite pleasant. For another, I am finally healing myself physically.I’ve taken nearly three weeks so far off from running, and I’ve started swimming. I feel more open now to finding the right fit, and I am optimistic for an enjoyable athletic experience in 2023.