Happily, I’m doing really well after Saturday’s 26 miler. I acted relatively normal today, including running 5 miles (though at a slow 11 minute per mile pace, and with 1 minute walk breaks every 3 1/2 minutes, more frequent than I have done), doing some singing for a project I’m working on, and doing a lot of work at the computer (including composing). All in all, I do still feel a bit… physically sensitive. My head is a bit achey, so I drank extra electrolyte drink (which usually helps).
The sensitivity part is no surprise. The happy surprise is how well my 5-miler went this morning. Three weeks ago, after my 23 miler, I could barely do 2.5 miles the following Monday . What’s the difference? I took more frequent walk breaks this past Saturday (every four minutes, instead of every five), and I ended about 15 seconds per mile slower.
Do these explain how much easier the marathon I ran two days ago was? (I can’t believe I just said that). Am I more physically fit? Did I get lucky? Not really sure! Whatever it was, I’ll take it.
On the topic of my run three weeks ago, I wrote this post then about feeling good again. That was on Tuesday three days after the run. I’m here on Monday, two days after this weekend’s run, already having a relatively normal day, feeling relatively normal.
Appreciating progress taking care of myself!