Okay, I’ve done it. I’ve begun Year Two of this blog.
I am excited as I type this. Okay, maybe I’m slightly nervous, but only because I am aware that I have just embarked on (yet another) 365 continuous days of blogging (gulp).
It’s not that this is a challenge exactly. It’s that I am loathe to begin something unless I am reasonably certain that I want to complete it.
I thought a lot about what I was going to do after the first year of my 365 Day Blogging project, but I just could not come up with anything better… than simply repeating it 🙂 In fact, the first year went so well, I have practically been chomping at the bit to get right back at it. This past week of no blogging was weird, to say the least. A part of me enjoyed the break. However, relief alternated with being a bit weirded out not to have a post to write. I also had numerous ideas for posts… but no “gig” to write for. In this sense, the week of not posting was almost like a self-imposed vacation that was slightly awkward, though I think justified.
The rules for the second year are the same as they were for Year One:
I have no specifications I need to meet other than to publish a post every day. I could spend 10 minutes on it, I could spend hours on it. It could be perfectly edited, or it could be shit edited (the dubious grammar of that statement was intentional).
Year One, Day 1
I will add this caveat: I am aware that, while the first 365 Day Blog project was overall quite enjoyable and beneficial, it is possible that, during the process of repeating it, I could get tired of it. Or circumstances could change for me around my writing and creativity. If Round Two stops being fun or practical to do, I reserve the right to re-think doing it.
After all, I have already proven that I can do this for a whole year 🙂 I have already gained many benefits from that which will stay with me for the rest of my life.
What is the driving force behind Year Two? What will be the benefits? Is there a genuine interest in doing this every day, enough for me to stay happily committed? As happened with my reading project, I am more interested these days in doing what feels right than exhibiting a “foolish consistency” when my true priorities might have changed.
I’m sure time will tell if Round Two of this project is truly aligned with me…
In the meantime: On Your Marks, Get Set, Begin!