Hello and welcome to my latest blog post! This is a 365 Day Blogging Project, and today I do Day 134. Holy Moly, Batman, we’ve gotten this far! Writing this blog already feels like it has been a revelatory, life-changing experience… and I have 231 more days to complete the year!
You know, by and large, this blog hasn’t really “gone anywhere.” I don’t have thousands of fans, or hundreds of fans… I might have dozens of eye balls, not sure. I get an occasional comment. Admittedly, I or my wife have bumped into people in our community every so often who read it. In fact, my wife said she talked to someone last week who reads my blog all the time (Say what? Cool!). Yet over all, it seems that the amount of attention this blog is getting (so far) is modest at best.
Of course, I have done very little to “market it.” In fact, practically nothing, outside of sharing each post on Facebook daily. Should I feel bad about this? Should I feel like I am doing something wrong or something? I don’t. I’m having fun with it. In fact, as I have written before, maybe it’s actually serving me to keep this blog low profile. It definitely helps keep the pressure low.
One of the intentions from the very beginning was simply to keep producing, and not really worry about what people think, or how it’s going, or how I look and everything. From the beginning, this project has been self-serving, and self-fulfilling: at this point, simply by doing it, I’m accomplishing my stated goals.
Yet furthermore, the fact is, I’m having fun with it. And isn’t that enough? I say Yes! I get to create new content all the time, and that is interesting. People in my life are at least aware that I’m doing this project. I do get some nice comments here and there. I feel that I am expanding and growing by doing this project. It’s a legitimate platform for me to express myself and I am using fully.
And so, I think it’s serving its purpose just fine. As I have heard it said, “A joyful journey will lead to a joyful destination.” This is definitely a joyful journey.
So I’m fairly sure it’s leading somewhere good.