Okay, so you all want happiness, right? Who doesn’t? We all want happiness. That is the drink of choice of everyone, right?
You would think it would be that simple. And yet… And yet…
Why is it that so many people behave in ways that don’t make them happy? Why is it that so many people, though they desire to be happy at their most elemental level, seem to act in ways that go against that very desire for happiness?
What is this about? Well, my friends, let’s talk about this. Let’s “look under the hood” and see what we see.
As we discussed recently, many people fear being seen as different or weird. Because of this fear, they will often do things that go against their own instincts. Even more so, people often have been trained in ways that go against those instincts. That training stays in the body because it is perpetuated by the brain, by memories, and by decisions that were made. People keep alive old behaviors that never served them to begin with, but because they learned to live life these ways, they find that it is “hard to change,” or so they tell themselves. And so these behaviors end up repeating over and over again.
It is not life that wants them to be bored, or dissatisfied, or unhappy. It is their behaviors, when they are boring, or dissatisfying, or unhappy behaviors, which produce their unsatisfying results.
Life wants to expand. Life wants to grow and enjoy, and laugh, and sing, and have fun, and play, and be beautiful and alive, and be heroic and inspiring. That is people when they are in their “natural” state. Yet many people have been raised in other ways, ways that aren’t necessarily conducive to these states of alive, inspiring, or laughing and singing. When people are raised to be scared, worried, or angry, that modeling can be hard to “kick.” It is not that it is so hard, it is that it takes concentration, focus, and persistence very often to overcome old ways of being.
You can change to become how you want to become. Yet the modeling you received, mixed with the stories you made up about yourself, mixed with the habits of thinking and being and acting which have crystallized into automatic programs in many cases, these take time, effort, and strong commitment to change. That is why so many people keep doing the same things that aren’t satisfying. They haven’t gotten to that point of being at “rock bottom” or being “sick and tired of being tired and sick.” Sometimes the drug addicts and people who go through cancer are the most willing to change and achieve the most amazing transformations, because they have reached the point where they are willing to surrender their old ways to something new.
You do not have to wait for such things to change. Yet it is important that you allow yourself to grow your desire until it is strong enough to create change.
Here are the steps to making a change in your life:
- Seek clarity on who you wish now to become.
- Once you have clarity, focus on that image as much as you can, constantly if you can, until it becomes very easy to think about on a regular basis. This helps build vibrational momentum for what you want.
- Be open to receiving inspiration to act in the direction of the change you wish. Stay open at all times, look for your opportunity. Then take that action!
- Rinse and repeat.
Said another way, change comes from a combination of AWARENESS, which yields CLARITY, which yields FOCUS, which inspires ACTION. And this process can be REPEATED as long as needed. If you sincerely desire to change your life, you can do it 🙂
Life is meant to be fun! You can become who you want to be. It takes openness, focus, and courage to act, courage to receive new inspirations, and taking responsibility to become the new someone you wish to be.
If this process seems hard or strange, do not worry. This is a natural process. It is happening all the time. You only need to be alive, and you will find yourself in the middle of this process now and then. Yet you can take it on consciously, and pull positive change towards you. It is possible!