So today I’m going to have a discussion with “My Higher Self.” Should be good (I admit, I’m always a bit nervous about sharing this type of thing on here, but by now I have done this sort of thing many times, so I don’t see how another one will hurt).
Hi, there. Thank you for talking with me.
Of course, Chris. It is always a joy to talk with you!
Well, I’m glad. Thank you. Today I would like to ask a question about happiness. What’s the best way to be happy in this life, when we are all so self-absorbed and we want what we want, and other people want what they want? How not to take other people’s own selfish focus personally, and how to stand up for our own desires, in the face of the reality that no one else can know what we want better than we can, nor can they live our lives for us and make us fulfilled? And why does it seem so sad sometimes, to be alone in a way with our own desires, with every one else basically alone with theirs?
There seem to be a lot of questions here, and they are good ones. Yet in reality, there is only one question behind all of these. That question is, “How can I best be loving with myself and with others, in all circumstances, no matter what?” Do you agree?
Um, okay. That’s a very interesting question. Go on.
Yes, so the question is how to be loving to yourself and to others at all times. These may seem like different issues, but they really are one issue. They all spring back to one basic question, “What does it mean to be loving to yourself?” Do you agree?
Um, yeah, I guess so. It’s a great question.
And would you agree that to get started, all you need to do is ask yourself the question, and then notice your answer?
Okay. Sure. So than, I will ask myself, “What does it mean to be loving to myself?” Um, let’s see. The answer that comes up is to honor myself, to realize that I matter, to realize that I matter to other people, at all times, no matter how it may look, even if other people may seem distracted or self-absorbed, that doesn’t mean I don’t matter to them. And I certainly matter to the Universe/God/Source, so being loving to myself means always remembering that, no matter how it may feel in a moment. Having compassion for the various states that I may go through, but never forgetting who I am: that I matter, that I am powerful, that I can be happy, that my life is rich and awesome, and I am blessed.
In terms of how can I be it at all times, um I guess just keep coming back to that. It’s like a meditation on self-love. The need to pay attention doesn’t end, because life will involve so many types of circumstances and I may need to remind myself now and then. So paying attention, and continuing to get present no matter what is going on so I can get back to love 🙂
That is excellent! A great answer. See? That wasn’t so hard!
No, it wasn’t. Thanks.
There are so many ways to find happiness. Happiness is so flexible, so infinite, you can look at it from so many angles. Like the water analogy you used awhile ago, happiness will find a way into your life, if you will open to it. It is only a thought away. You just need to open to it.
Yeah, I get that. And I get that the original question was based out of being frustrated and confused, you know, in a weird mind state, and asking myself your question helped clear that up immediately. Thanks, that was very helpful.
So I guess that, if I am being loving to myself, it follows that I will be loving to others. Which will allow me to be forgiving, open-minded, and accepting of their own foibles just as I am the same for myself. Yes?
Certainly. Because you can’t give to others what you don’t give to yourself, and if you give it to others you will receive it. And if you give it to yourself, you will want to give it.
Yes, I like that. Thank you. Beautiful words, they ring so simple and so true. Thank you for your help.
Anytime, Chris!
You rock 🙂