Three years ago I wrote about staying “cool, calm, and collected” as the stock market gyrations occurred. As I wrote then, Yesterday, the S&P 500… went down 2.6%, during a month that…
Category: Money & Investing
Day 57: Your Personal Mount Everest
As I wrote a few days ago, there are many wonderful insights in Tony Robbins’ “Money: Master the Game.” Yet at its core, its message is essentially the same message repeated time…
Day 54: Tony Robbins’ Fabulous “Money: Master the Game”
I’ve been re-reading (re-re-re-reading is more like it) Tony Robbins’ “Money: Master the Game.” As always, I appreciate its fine messages and am grateful that it came into my life. Since reading…
Day 38: The Drama-Free Game of Growing Share Ownership (Part 2)
Recently I wrote about how investing is really a game of growing share ownership. Whether that is owning stocks & bonds, or any other asset (such as real estate, individual businesses, intellectual…
Day 32: Habits of “The Richest Man in Babylon”
Today I listened to part of an audio book of George S. Clason’s “The Richest Man in Babylon,” a classic of mid 20th Century prosperity literature that includes titles such as “Think…
Day 26: The Drama-Free Game of Growing Share Ownership
It’s interesting how much we investors focus on our portfolio balance. As in, “How many dollars is the portfolio worth right now?” or “Wow, the portfolio gained $10,000 in value today!” Or…
Day 18: Pursue Your Own Personal Version of Greatness
I think it’s important to believe that you are capable of great things. I’m not talking about doing what other people think is great. I’m talking about pursuing your own personal version…
Day 11: Morgan Housel’s “The Psychology of Money”
(Note: Our Internet was down for three days, so this post is being posted on July 14, 2022, though I wrote it yesterday, the day I consider it “published”) A few days…
Day 5: Is Crypto the New Tulipmania?
Behavioral economists talk about something called confirmation bias, which is the tendency of human beings to look for confirmation of what they already believe. For example, if you believe that Porsches are…
2020 Investing Wrap Up!
For my final blog post of 2020, and as a sort of investing wrap up for this incredible year, I wanted to follow up on two investing-related posts from last year, namely:…