In re-reading “A Random Walk Down Wall Street,” I am reminded of the basics of how to succeed as a long-term, buy-and-hold index fund investor. These basics could be summarized as follows:…
Category: Money & Investing
Day 179: Re-Reading “Random Walk Down Wall Street”
I am re-reading (again) “A Random Walk Down Wall Street,” by Burton Malkiel (2012 edition), the investing classic that champions buying and holding index funds for investors rather than trying to beat…
Day 169: Dividends, You Are Pretty Cool.
Over the past week or so, I’ve been like a kid waiting for Santa. The cause of my anticipation? No, not Christmas. Instead, it’s the arrival of year-end dividends from our investments….
Day 163: Reflections on 2022 Market Volatility
I heard a podcast, Ben Carlson’s “Portfolio Rescue,” discussing the frequency of high-volatility days in the market this year. I don’t remember the exact stats, but basically, there have been a lot…
Day 159: 2022 Investing Mash Up
It’s been awhile since I’ve written about investing, and we’re about to wrap up 2022, so I figured it was a good time. Tonight I don’t have a cohesive essay as much…
Day 103: The 2022 Market Volatility Bummer
I have written about how investing* is really about growing your share ownership; that is, growing the number of shares you own of any given fund over time. Writing about this has…
Day 88: The Top 7 Purposes of Your Money
Whether we realize it or not, we are all money managers. That is because on a daily basis every adult makes decisions about where each dollar they receive will go. If someone…
Day 81: A True Test of Risk Tolerance
If you follow investing topics, or read up on personal finance, you will often hear about risk tolerance, which is the concept that as an investor you want to choose investments within…
Day 72: Look, But Don’t Touch!
When it comes to our investments, I tend to “look but not touch,” that is, to pay attention to how our investments are doing, but not make any changes to them. At…
Day 67: Tony Robbins, I Appreciate You
One of the surprise benefits of re-reading “Money: Master the Game” is to really own what it means to me. I have repeatedly written about it in glowing terms (here and here),…