You know, it’s okay to look for things to appreciate. They are out there. You will probably feel better if you do.
Things I’m appreciating:
- Making progress on the piano-playing book. I made my fourth print out of a draft last month and have been editing since. When I read through it this time, it really started feeling like a book! Six months ago it still felt like a collection of unrefined ideas, like raw ore needed to be processed.
- My exercise life. Last week I took off the beginning of the week to rest and reset in the new year. Thursday I ran. Friday I went swimming with my wife. Yesterday I ran (almost 12 miles!). Today I went to yoga. Varied and satisfying.
- Getting better at reaching for good-feeling thoughts. Doing things like this list of appreciations helps.
- Reading “The Courage to Be Disliked.” It was an excellent read that I’m still absorbing. I also blogged about it twice.
- Knowing and accepting myself better than ever before. Having the courage to be normal, as the book talked about. This is the latest insight in an ongoing process of learning unconditional self-love.
- Being able to use these appreciation lists every so often… they make blogging easy!