I admit it. It’s kind of hard to say goodbye to my blogging year.
Sure, it’s not forever. I know I could just keep going right now, but as I explained before, I do feel that a break is in order.
Yet I am missing it already. It’s been such a good practice. I find that I love structure, the routine (surprise, surprise). It seems I especially like projects that can be stretched out for a long time. For instance, when I first did marathon training, I thought, “Wow, I have this entire running plan to follow for the next four months. This is amazing!” Sometimes I wondered which I loved more, the pursuit of the marathon goal or the training itself (!).
It seems I especially love following plans I can do by myself. But then again, I am, after all highly-sensitive and introverted. This feels a little weird to say, but I have more control over the outcome when I do things by myself. I can manage the emotional intensity of a project I do by myself. Projects with people have a way of feeling intense. Sometimes this can almost be too much.
For instance, I always loved doing musical theater, yet even as a child, I was surprised by how sad I got at the end of shows. The feelings could be overwhelming, and even embarrassing. It didn’t help that I kept these things to myself. Even as an adult working on shows professionally, sometimes the withdrawal at the end of a show has been hard.
So there you go. I don’t do endings well.
Fortunately, as they say, every ending is a new beginning. And that’s why I think it’s good to take a break from the blog. Let’s see what else will come around the corner.
In the meantime, I honor and appreciate this wonderful experience.
And maybe shed a tear or two.
p.s. I may take off tomorrow (and Sunday?) from blogging, as I have a lot going on and want to give my best to Day 365.