I’m reading a book about overcoming “being nice,” and it’s challenging me to re-think some of my own behaviors. So I decided to create a little list of some things I think. Some of these things I would normally keep to myself for fear of looking bad or offending someone.
Not tonight.
A Little About Me:
Behaviors I respect:
- Reading books
- Athleticism
- Standing for what you believe in
- Creativity
- Excellence
- Financial Savvy
- Honesty
- Courage
- Being Great with People
- Making Friends Easily
- Good organization skills
- Making your own weather, following your own vision for your life
Behaviors I don’t respect:
- Over-use use of drugs or alcohol (I’m not a big fan of either, to be honest, and am generally as square as a completed Rubik’s cube when it comes to such things).
- Lack of exercise or a sedentary lifestyle
- Indiscriminate spending or other financially reckless behavior
- Blaming or in any way being a victim; trash-talking
Behaviors I respect from afar (because I feel under-developed in this area):
- Good fashion sense
Behaviors that tend to “push my buttons”
- When people are late
- When people don’t do what they say they will do
- When people quit on themselves
Uncomfortable truth: I tend to be very picky about who I spend time with. I probably underestimate people’s trustworthiness.
Uncomfortable truth #2: I can be too sensitive.
Uncomfortable truth #3: I have often hid my disappointment with others.
Things I fear:
- Being made fun of
- Haters
- Looking bad
Topics that tend to make me tune out or want to leave the room:
- Trump-bashing (or for that matter, most political talk)
- Bashing rich people (or what I think of as “anti-money” talk)
- How humans are destroying the world and how awful everything is
- Anything that smacks of promoting a fearful or insecure view of the world.
- Much of what passes for “news”
- (Sigh) stories about the new projects of creative artists I admire*
Topics that tend to fire me up and make me want to join in on the conversation:
- Investing
- Inspirational stories
- TV or shows or movies that people really like (generally on the positive side of things, though there could be exceptions to that)
- Hearing people talk about their dreams, their hopes, and what they care about
- Hearing people who are fired up and aligned with joy
I’ve had a weakness for:
- Not wanting to disappoint people
- Doubting myself
- Being way too hard on myself
- Taking other people’s behaviors personally
- Withholding how I really feel
*I feel like a shit for admitting this. I don’t like to admit to feeling jealous, resentful, or resigned, but there ya go. [Sigh]