I really love the idea of compounding efforts, or, shall we say, the benefit that accumulates when you turn a positive action into a regular habit. To put it simply, effort adds up. And habitual effort really adds up, sometimes as if by magic. Good habits are awesome. Personally, I am finding that my habits are benefiting me greatly during these strange times we are in.
Whether you are learning to play piano, investing, running, reading a big book, or even eating the jelly beans out of the jelly bean jar a few at a time, it is amazing how much one can accomplish, even at a leisurely pace, if you just keep it up long enough. If you hang in there, persist, and keep working at it… well… even water can find its way through granite with enough drips! (Side note: I know no better allegory for this phenomenon than the masterful tale of Andy Dufresne). A positive habit ends up working for you because it automatically builds persistence in. This persistent application of effort can have an impact that cannot be understated!
These days, very little in my daily routine has changed from pre-Pandemic life. Sure, we haven’t been going out (but we were somewhat homebodies to begin with). I haven’t been writing at the cafe. But I continue maintaining the personal habits that have been benefiting me for awhile now: reading, writing (and blogging), running, and fasting, being creative, teaching piano, loving my wife etc.
In fact, my routine may be a lot less impacted than the average person who suddenly has to adjust to being at home, because I already was at home. What is even more important is that I feel that I have cultivated positive habits that continue to bring purpose, joy, as well as clarity and inspiration frequently to my day.
Good habits rock! Cultivate good habits!