Today I saw this quote on an Abraham-Hicks group page on Facebook:
“It should only be talked about if the talking will make you feel better. It is of no value, ever, to activate and talk about something that doesn’t feel good, because it reactivates it in your vibration, it makes it another point of your point of attraction so you’re less clear.
“In other words, when you focus on the problems of others, you diminish your ability to help them. People believe that you’ve got to focus upon the problem in order to find a solution. And we say, no solution ever comes forth–it’s never inspired; you never recognize it, and you are never able to facilitate or achieve it–from your place of focusing on the problem. They are two entirely different vibrations.”
This was the perfect thing for me to read, because I had just had a conversation about a problem regarding someone else, and I was experiencing this exact same thing: trying hard to figure out a solution to something but coming from a place where the problem just seemed bigger and bigger.
Over the years, I have heard this idea about focusing on problems again and again from Abraham. I think I am still absorbing it. Sometimes it is so tempting to pick up a problem and look at it, scrutinize it, examine it, as a focusing on it will somehow create a solution. I felt today the futility of that! There is no solution coming, as long as I was in that problem-oriented place.
How often we focus on those things that do not feel good, as a matter of habit, and as fixture of conversation. Do we imagine that focusing on things that feel bad are going to yield positive results? Thanks to Abraham, I started to question this sort of behavior in myself. I realize now that there was a deeply rooted habit of complaining, focusing on the negative, and wallowing in negative thoughts.
In reading this statement today, I am reminded that I have a choice. I get to chill out, turn my attention on things that feel better, and allow myself to activate a positive state. I don’t have to indulge in old habits of thought if they don’t feel good!
Just because they are habits, does not mean I can’t change them!