I used to think that living life was about accomplishing big goals, about doing massive heroic things like saving the world or becoming a famous celebrity. No doubt, I was influenced by the TV and movies I watched, as well as my natural tendency to dream big dreams and have lofty ideals. Yet as I have settled into my adult life, I have modified some of the less enjoyable elements of this view of happiness and have discovered a much sweeter, simpler version, one that is about inner peace, and a joyful daily experience.
I was actually relieved to realize that I wasn’t required to accomplish my grandiose dreams. In fact, I’m not required to accomplish anything. Instead, I get to expand in new ways and enjoy my life. For me these days, happiness is about feeling good. It’s about being able to enjoy my daily life. It’s about going shopping with my wife and us having a good time. It’s about peace of mind. It’s about having a clear head, and enjoying what I am doing each moment. It’s about having a sense of enthusiasm about what I’m up to, who I am interacting with, what I am creating, and what I’m learning.
For me, feeling calm and relaxed, enjoying a good book or having an inspiring thought. This to me is happiness in that moment! Enjoying a nice breakfast, watching a movie with my wife, or laughing with friends or family. That is happiness!
I know too well what it is like to be in misery, not enjoying the present moment. This taught me that what I truly value is happiness in this present moment. That is not about a level of acclaim, accomplishment, or income. That is about feeling good in the moment.
It is my life-long intention to enjoy the moment, to maintain my focus on pleasant-feeling things, and seek always to align myself with my True Nature, as a being whose purpose is joy, and whose state is total freedom to Create my life in the image of enjoyable and satisfying things!
That is my life purpose… revised to fit who I actually am, and not who I thought I should be 🙂