By the title of this post, you can probably gather that satisfaction has been on my mind a lot recently. It came back strongly today, as I was thinking about a tendency I have sometimes had to dwell on thoughts that do not feel good, as if they will do some good (they don’t).
I realize this is a strong tendency in our world. A lot of us spend a lot of time — as I have– dwelling on (excuse my language) vibrational shit. It’s the dissatisfaction, the frustration, the annoyance, the righteousness, the anger, the self-pity. Where do we think this will get us?
I caught myself today doing some of this stuff big time. It was really not feeling good, yet there I was. It was like I was stirring up a big cauldron of the stuff, smelling its noxious chemical fumes aggravating my pores, watering my eyes, and denouncing my own well-being, and instead of running the other way, I announced, “Okay, world! I shall get inside this shitty pot of gangrenous sludge, really get myself soaked in it, and then I shall breathe it in and be miserable, and you can’t stop me. Ha ha ha ha ha!’ And then like a true martyr I got in and stewed in that soup of rottenness, feeling no comfort or satisfaction, except the dubious privilege of being right.
I’m being highly colorful here, yet the analogy is meant to make the point that dwelling in negativity is basically like putting yourself through some sort of dark and miserable torture. Believe me, I know how hard it can be to kick the habit of feeling bad, yet feeling good is ALWAYS worth it.
That doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Emotions can become habitual. If you have the habit of being angry or depressed or frustrated or dissatisfied, well, that habit can easily become deep-rooted and therefore difficult to get rid of. I have found that it takes continual attention, and intention to create new emotional habits based on satisfaction, joy, and well-being. It can be done, but sometimes, it takes work.
Now I’d like to open up to some insight from my good friend HS:
Hello, all, and thank you for reading. It is such a pleasure to be here with you! I love talking about the subject of satisfaction. Satisfaction is joy. Satisfaction is eternal well-being. Satisfaction is the ever-flowing river of goodness and positivity that prevails in the end. Satisfaction is the truth. All else is not.
I know how tempting dissatisfaction can be… when it is what you know and are familiar with. Familiarity breeds contempt, as they say, but it also breeds comfort. Familiarity usually wins over the unfamiliar, even when that familiarity feels bad and something unfamiliar could feel better. That is because the brain is a survival-based organ, and its directions to the body are to help you survive. If something you know well is not all that pleasant, and may even make you miserable, yet is seen as somehow safe, predictable, or familiar, it will very often win out over something that is not new, unknown, or unfamiliar.
This might not seem to make sense. Who wouldn’t someone want the adventure of something new? And yet, most people end up wanting what is already familiar to them. Old habits of unhappiness, of misery, or dissatisfaction and frustration, these can seem to the brain like good survival mechanisms. In a world of fear, they make sense.
Yet the ultimate nature of life is Transcendence. You are not here to merely survive forever. It is time to evolve. You can evolve beyond the simple survival strategies of a survival brain. It is okay to awaken to your true nature, as a being of limitless love, light, and ability. It is possible to find your inner power and shine it.
In order to do that, however, you may need to dis-identify with some of the old habits that have been obscuring your view of the Infinite Good that is You. You may need to lay down some of the old “axes to grind” that can keep you imprisoned in painful vibrations of fear, anger, hate, sadness, or perpetual frustration.
Even frustration, common as it is, is the result of being at a distance from your own true loving nature. When you are truly loving, you are completely calm and allowing, you let others be, you are patient and kind and forgiving. You are satisfied.
Dissatisfaction comes from mis-alignment. You have the option of walking away from it for good. You can live in complete satisfaction 🙂
So, I guess I’m still wondering: how can we completely eliminate the addiction to dissatisfaction?
By caring about how you feel. By insisting on satisfaction. By knowing that you are whole and complete and that you can be satisfaction and that it is only a thought away and that no matter what you are going through there is a way forward, you can find it if you look, you can find satisfaction.
So, even if the habit of being dissatisfied is so familiar and easy, we can just start to look for what is satisfying instead, and find it?
Yes. Always. There is always a satisfying thought or direction or solution to look for. Even if it may not be immediately obvious or immediately felt fully. There is always a path of least resistance, like a stream flowing easily downward. There is always a choice between “the easy way” and “the hard way.”
So a lot of people choose the hard way.
Most do. For most of their lives. Nearly everyone does.
Because they have been trained that way. Because “old habits die hard.” Because they haven’t developed a strong enough desire within themselves to demand satisfaction, and not to stop until they get it. They haven’t made their own feelings important enough. Instead, it is always other people, what they think, the fear of rejection or criticism or social pain, which imprisons many people into lives of dissatisfaction.
Yikes. It seems sad. And yet it is a great opportunity for people to grow and experience their own power and freedom. If they take it.
Indeed it is! Life is a great opportunity for you. No matter what circumstances you may be in, no matter how it looks. Life is an on-going, continuous miracle of opportunity, serving limitless new possibilities all the time for those who are awake to them!
I love it! Thank you!