Hello, and welcome to planet Earth! We are so glad you are here. Surely you have come a long way.
How are you enjoying your visit? Hopefully it is all you thought it would be? Not entirely? Are you disappointed in any way? Have you found it hard to be joyful, to keep your cheerful disposition in tact in the face of all this life you keep experiencing?
We certainly don’t blame you. It isn’t always easy to keep one’s awareness of all that is joyful when this life in the here and now can sometimes seem to keep trying to put our attention on that which is not joyful. It certainly can seem as if the world is flawed, or at least highly subject to things which are not joyful.
None of this is true. However, the question is, who have you been listening to for your information? Have you been believing the news? Have you been believing your neighbor, or your family members, who, as much as you love them, tend to focus on negative things? Is it normal for those around you to beam radiant sunshine of joy at existence, or do they tend to think things are all pretty bad?
Which version of life do people around you subscribe to? More importantly, which version of life do you subscribe to? What are your thoughts about life? Better yet, what do you love about life? What makes you happy? What is going on in your life right now that lights you up, that makes your heart sing, that fills you with delight?
That is where you can put your focus on. That will serve you, that will grow so strong that it will shine brightly through your whole life… if you let it.
Many people say that living is hard, but it is not hard. It is only thinking that life is hard that makes it hard. Life is easy! Life is eternal! Life is a joyous love-fest of creation, swash-buckling joyrides and galaxy adventures! Life is beautiful, and life is filled with opportunities for love and for joy.
Didn’t you know that? Of course you do. If you stop and think about it, and really get to the source of your thoughts on life, really choose them, and look past the opinions that have floated around since you were born.
Let’s talk about these opinions. At best, they are highly suspect. Always consider the source. Who said that life had to be hard? Was it your mother? Your father? Both? Your school teacher? Your cousin? Both? And how do they know? What makes them an authority? Is it possible that they too were mistaken? Is it possible that they too inherited the idea from someone else, an idea that spread like a weed until it infected all it touched?
What if you could be the one to break the chain, to end the line of mental weeds being planted each generation? What if you had the power to stand up and declare, “I choose differently. I choose love, and I choose joy, and I joy empowerment, and the sun shines every single day, and the Universe is beautiful, and I choose to focus on that! That is who I am, and that is who I choose to be!”
Could you not do this? Do you think you can?
Of course you can. This red hot instant. It is all possible for you. You have only to allow it, to say “yes” to the inner you.
If you are reading this, you have probably been looking. Keep looking. You will find him or her. You will find that joyous part of you that wishes to sing, to dance, to love, and to live. It is waiting for you.
This very instant.
Welcome to Planet Earth. Your new life is about to begin 🙂