So today I am doing something I have never done before. I decided to allow “My Higher Self” to take the helm and answer some questions from one of my blog readers. I have no idea how this will turn out, but I think it will be interesting! Here goes:
Questions from a Reader:
What is a good person? Are we here to be good people? Should I put my energy into being a good person? How do we know good? Can we change it, do we have the right to change it, and how do we change it?
You are not here to be a good person. You are not here to be a bad person. You are here to be you.
A good person is what you define it to be. Everyone has their own definition of what a good person is. All are slightly different… as different as your perspectives are different. No one has the exact same definition, because no one has the exact same perspective.
You are here to be you, which means that you are here to define and create who you are, to grow and to expand, and to know your abilities and foster new understandings and to create your reality, to come into knowledge, eventually, of your divinity. In that process, your definition of what is “good” will change as you change. That is normal.
For many people, “good” is associated with that which is pleasing, happy, joyful. Certainly you are here to be this! Yet for some people, “good” can mean sacrifice, self-denial, or taking on obligations or responsibilities which are not always thought of as “happy” or “joyful.” Yet they can be good as well. It is in the eye of the beholder.
Something can be “good” for someone which would look like “bad” to someone else. It is hard to be absolute about something that is so relative.
How do you know good? Look for what feels good to you. What feels right. That is your truth. That is what matters… for you.
Can you change what is good for you? You can change your perceptions or your allowing of what is true. You can search for your real values, sometimes you may not have fully accepted or discovered them. In this process, to the outer world you may look like you are changing what is good for you, when in reality, what you are doing is finding, for the first time, what is good for you.
How do we appreciate who we really turn out to be? How do we appreciate ourselves as we change?
Start with the premise that you are perfect as you are. There is nothing wrong with you, nothing missing, nothing out of place, nothing deficient, and nothing that was supposed to happen that didn’t. When you empty your thoughts of judgments of who you “turn out to be,” you can love yourself for who that person is.
Judgments are a distortion based on the mind’s tendency to resist what is, to compare it with some imagined reality that hasn’t occurred, and to “make it wrong,” as if going to war with reality, and wanting it to be different than it is.
Instead, accept what is so. And appreciate it. For it is wonderful!
How do we change the world?
By changing yourself. By seeking out what you believe is wonderful, by seeking out your truth, by following your bliss, by loving yourself, by accepting yourself, and by accepting no substitutes than the real you! By courageously living authentically.
Not by trying to change others. Not by judging others. Not by fighting others. Not by resisting others. Not by criticizing others. Love yourself, love who you are, appreciate you, live authentically, and you will naturally bless others. Your positive views of others will rub off on them! Ta-da… changed world!
What makes something beautiful?
As has been said, “beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Yet there are tendencies. Strength, courage, love, order, focus, joy, laughter, happiness, togetherness, symmetry, integrity, creativity, productivity, inspiration… the qualities of a loving individual and their efforts in the world… can more easily create beauty. Beauty is not just an opinion, it is an experience. When you feel it, when you know it, it is like being in love. It is appreciation, and it is joy. When you appreciate something, you help make it beautiful. When you receive joy, you become beautiful.
When you hold a friendly attitude towards life and towards another, you contribute to beauty. Beauty abounds in a warm heart.
Where does music take us? Why do we need music?
You do not need music, any more than you need an enjoyable sunset, the company of friends, or the loving embrace of a partner. It is not need, it is desire for life. Music is an expression of life, and it is an expression, through sound, of the inter-relatedness of all human beings. It is a joyful song of humanity which pierces the veil of separation and allows communion between all who hear it. Music is so important in your lives because it is a reminder of something intrinsic, it is an experience of oneness that you do not need to explain to experience, you do not need to believe it to feel it.